Saturday, December 31, 2022

Wolves Watching Flock

The DemocRAT leadership and establishment Republicans in Washington consider you the enemy. Donald Trump really was our shield. Trump could not be bought or blackmailed, so he had to be removed. Joe and the Biden clan are compromised by America's enemies, and it looks like Biden is doing the bidding of those who wish America the worst. 

Friday, December 30, 2022

If Nobody Cares

Some woman I never heard of and could not care less about was complimenting her own good judgement for moving from New York to Florida this morning on FOX News. She said she "famously" departed for the Southern bastion of freedom. "Famously" was the real stretch as I doubt anybody not at her breakfast table this morning even knew who she was. 

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Had His Kicks

One of the giants of sport has passed from this mortal coil. He was not a literal giant like Wilt Chamberlain or Bill Russell, but what Pele could do on the soccer pitch could never be eclipsed. He did things to a ball with his feet that few athletes could match using their hands. Pele will never be forgotten. 

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Grim New Year

With an America-hating Marxist cabal running our nation, and many in the so-called "opposition party" willing to go along, the United States will be lucky not to fall into an economic depression in 2023. The head of the regime and his close minions really want to keep poking the bear in 2023 by coming for the heretofore legal guns of American citizens. The coming year has all the ingredients for a catastrophe in the making, even before thoughts of World War with Russia, Red China, Iran, and/or North Korea. I hope I am alive and free enough to publish my thoughts in 2024. 

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

The Murderous Physicians

Doctors who promote or even accept "futile care policy" are dangerous to their patients. Medicos who demanded their clients take MRNA COVID vaccines or be refused treatment were abandoning their Hippocratic Oath and compromising the health of those they were supposed to serve. Hospitalists, who unlike your family doctor who used to make hospital rounds and had at least some vested interest in your survival, are largely bean counters looking for reasons to deny particular types of care and usher sick people out the door too soon, so that they no longer have any "well-days". Those who encourage hospice care are by definition giving up on potentially life-saving treatments. Did you know many physicians now routinely deny nutrition and even hydration to the sickest patients solely to ensure that they die more quickly? Would you knowingly go to a caregiver who has no interest in sustaining your life? 

Monday, December 26, 2022

And Paid For

What would happen if many elected leaders in the United States are compromised by America's enemies? Just look what is going in our nation today and you will have a pretty good idea. Biden, the DemocRAT and McConnell, his alleged opponent swill from the same trough, and they are just the tip of a rotten iceberg. 

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Want for Christmas

All I desire this year is for America to return to the land of freedom and opportunity it was when I was a boy. I pray my child has the same unbridled prospects that liberty afforded me. 

Saturday, December 24, 2022

As I Recall

I started high school at the most progressive educational institution in Nashville, Tennessee way back in he early 1980s. I remember the University School students were admonished at the assembly one day a few weeks before the winter school break that they should not wish folks around campus a "merry Christmas" as there were many Jewish classmates and others who did not celebrate that holiday. I am Jewish, but hearing that never offended me, and I made it a point after that to extend that salutation at every opportunity. Merry Christmas to one and all! 

Friday, December 23, 2022

Survive the Storm

"The bomb cyclone" blew the living daylights out of the Continental United States. We are in many places colder than Alaska, and Mom heard that the Midwest was colder than Mars. Unless you absolutely have to leave, stay in and try to keep warm. 

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Many Bad Actors

Iran, Syria, North Korea, Red China, Russia, Cuba, and Venezuela are all terrible places led by power-mad dictators. Lebanon is controlled by Shiite terrorists and Iraq is being absorbed by Iranian proxies, with Yemen fighting not to be devoured by similar Shiite fanatics as well. Libya is essentially a failed state and plenty of other African countries are failing as well. What is alarming is that much of the maladministration and malfeasance that we see in the aforementioned places, we are now witnessing in the United States as well. 

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Purely Defensive System

I am no great fan of the corrupt nation of Ukraine, but I must say they did not attack Russia. Putin launched a war of aggression against a peaceful neighbor. Moscow and its apologists are shouting that the United States providing Patriot missiles to Kyiv is a provocative "escalation". These weapons are not ground to ground missiles, but ground to air, meant only to protect from incoming air assaults by Russia. A Patriot can't destroy an apartment block or factory within Russia. At this point, we must figure every statement emerging from the aggressor country is self-serving propaganda and dismiss it for what it is. 

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Open for Business?

The US Chamber of Commerce likes the open border because it means cheap labor. Patriots and merely sane folks see the downside of the sieve at the southern edge of our formerly great nation. You want plentiful fentanyl and other illegal narcotics, let just about everyone across the border, because there is no way to know what literally thousands are carrying. You want gang members and even cartel thugs in your city, let most who seek entry make it in largely or even entirely unvetted. You want diseases you do not even see in the First World in your local emergency room, tell foreigners to "come ahead, we welcome you!" Undercutting the prevailing American wage may benefit some skinflint employers, but it is definitely destroying America. 

Monday, December 19, 2022

Not Obscure Sport

Some Americans doubt the significance of soccer. It is a matter of opinion as to whether you like a particular sport, but four billion or so folks just watched the World Cup. That is vastly more than watch the Super Bowl, the World Series, and the NBA Championship combined. Soccer is the most viewed of them all. You do not have to tune in but around the globe around half of us did. 

Sunday, December 18, 2022

World's Greatest Match

Argentina and France put on a show for the ages. Lionel Messi has cemented his place as the greatest ever. Kylian Mbappe has earned the title best player in this World Cup and is young enough to someday perhaps eclipse Messi. Two giants stood toe to toe with no backdown and no quit and did not disappoint anyone. It is a shame one side had to lose. Bravo Argentina, you well deserve to hold the crown. 

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Elon for Liberty

Maybe because he is from South Africa and saw what a society that was not free did to people, Elon Musk seems to be one of the great champions of freedom. Musk also seems to revere truth and abhor lies. Clearly, he is NOT afraid of the powerful in governments, media, or technology. He is precisely what the world needs in this time of mass deception and totalitarian overreach. 

Friday, December 16, 2022

Who Killed Kennedy?

Will the average American ever know the facts of the JFK assassination? Probably not because revealing the machinations involved would expose too many powerful institutions to too much scrutiny. 

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Counting Argentina Out?

Argentina is decidedly NOT Morocco. They are soccer royalty and not just lucky to have made it to the final to face France. The French are no doubt elite but not invincible. Argentina is one of the few squads in the world that can match the speed and ball control of the French side. The Argentine players are mostly smaller but not weaklings and back down to nobody. It will be a fascinating match with the chance to be a classic. My prediction is Argentina will shock the world with a two to one upset. 

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Let's Go France

Typically, I only think of France in the context of surrender, but today, I am focusing on soccer. I do not believe the French side will raise the white flag to Morocco but actually triumph over the overmatched African team. 

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

A Lowe's Moment

I went to a hardware superstore that is part of a huge national chain to try to match some unusual lightbulbs. I was able to find an employee rather quickly, who told me the lighting products were in Aisle 10. I could not locate the second of the rare bulbs I was seeking, so I asked the lady monitoring self-check if she could find me some help and she indeed requested it over the intercom. There were Lowe's associates all over the place with their snazzy little red "customer service" vests on, but none came to assist me. The store was surfeit with Lowe's people, and I stopped one of the "customer service" pros to help me find a product to spend money at this location. He said he was "too busy"  because "corporate people" were there. If you are too busy to help a customer, maybe you do not need to be in business. 

Monday, December 12, 2022

According to Form

One of our dogs (the largest Sage) gobbled up a little animal yesterday. I do not know if our boy actually killed anything, or if he was only cleaning up after the fox, cat, or coyotes that prowl our yard or the hawks or owls that soar over looking for their next meal. My eighty year old mother was furious at the dog and me. Sage was leashed up but when he goes into the heavy underbrush, I am unable to follow and must relinquish his leash. I did not hear any struggle, so I think he was just cleaning up some carrion. In any event, dogs will be dogs. It is only natural. 

Sunday, December 11, 2022

A Vibrant Mosaic

I am NOT opposed to legal and ordered immigration. I am against illegal aliens coming in unvetted and bringing contraband and disease. Also, I recognize the fact that the more folks who come here willing to work for less than native workers and taking jobs that would otherwise go to Americans, the greater hardship for citizens. America has been a "Melting Pot", but we do not want our wages melting down to nothing because so many sneak across to thrive off our dole or almost as bad, willing to provide cheap labor and undercutting what those who have been here for ages are paid. 

Saturday, December 10, 2022

The Next Way

"Populism" has been a dirty word among the elite, the intelligentsia, and most opinion shapers. I think capitalism (particularly the crony variety) leaves a bad taste with little concern for the many and huge swathes left behind while a handful prosper immeasurably. Statism produces indigestion and paves a path for fascism. I think the populist agenda offered by Trump was a net positive because the other ISMS meant pain for the vast majority of native-born Americans. Capitalism too often calls for open borders for a steady supply of cheap foreign labor being admitted. The loose border necessitated by the need to drive wages down causes drugs, disease, and too often dependency on state aid, when the low-skilled allowed across realize they were brought here to be exploited and instead turn the tables and grab the massive benefits offered by the State. Ah yes, the State and its unchecked power that even when it appears benevolent is making you dependent upon it for your very survival. Folks do not want to be bound to the company store or the government dole. They want the even chance that populism promises. 

Friday, December 9, 2022

Doctrine of Preemption

The mad mullahs that enslave the Iranian people may soon find out what Israel's enemies did with the Six Day War, that Jews will no longer wait until we are being slaughtered to respond with force. The stakes are simply too high to subject Tel Aviv and one million Israelis to a nuclear first strike launched by the ayatollahs. The Islamic Republic may only be days away from an atomic breakout with the means to deliver the world's most deadly weapons, but the Jewish State will not sit back to receive the blow. There are no saner minds or moderate mullahs to prevail in Tehran, but Israel is not a throng of women to be shot down in the street for removing their veils but a nation with destructive capabilities few countries possess. It would be absolutely appropriate to save the world's lone Jewish State by declawing the globe's leading sponsor of terror.    `

Thursday, December 8, 2022

The Day Before

Maintaining a strong defense is essential after a surprise attack but providing deterrence beforehand may have prevented the attack on Pearl Harbor from ever happening. The day after a massacre is in many ways too late because so many are gone needlessly. It is the time prior to the ambush that intelligence must prepare and warn that the enemy thrust is coming. 

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Remember Pearl Harbor

If you see a bunch of Japanese bombers flying over, you might want to sound "battle stations". Sometimes, the cat jumps, even when you are negotiating. You might not be able to trust your potential peace partner. I pray there is never another "Day of Infamy" like December 7 or September 11. 

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Trump Hate Fest

Where are Republican leaders amplifying the Musk Twitter revelations? Almost no major GOP leaders are pointing out the Constitutional violations by the Federal Bureau of Investigation in promoting censorship during the 2020 campaign. Plenty of Republicans are condemning Trump for suggesting an extra-Constitutional remedy to the harm the stolen election is doing our nation but few are actually pointing out the magnitude of the crime visited on the world with the theft of the US Presidency. High-ranking Republicans are quick to criticize Trump but rarely defend him. The GOP at the highest levels despise Trump and his supporters as much as the DemocRATS. 

Monday, December 5, 2022

The Largest Conspiracy

The cabal did not move heaven and earth just to steal the Presidency. Those pulling Biden's strings are not merely opponents of Donald Trump but enemies of human freedom. Their objective was not simply to install a senile puppet but to use that figurehead to destroy liberty across the globe. 

Sunday, December 4, 2022

Nest of Judases

The Federal Bureau of Investigations is supposed to protect the rights of Americans and uphold the Constitution, including the First Amendment free speech protections. They are not supposed to be plotting with DemocRATS, notably the Biden campaign, to suppress the Hunter Biden story and advance censorship across social media, now documented by new owner Elon Musk, who has highlighted what was done on Twitter before the 2020 vote. This agency is no longer performing a law enforcement function but serving as the secret police of the Left. 

Saturday, December 3, 2022

The Wall Collapsing

With Elon Musk's revelations emerging, we see Twitter actively engaged in election manipulation at the behest of the DemocRATS. Many of us saw this for ourselves in real time as it was happening, and now it has been confirmed at the highest levels under the company's new ownership. We heard the denials since before the 2020 election, but it is now undeniable that the playing field was tilted solidly Left and that the same tactics were just employed by Twitter in Brazil before the recent vote there. 

Friday, December 2, 2022

Our Fallen Savior

Joe Biden took credit for preventing a railroad strike today. Oddly, he had said he had averted the same labor action before the recent election as well. I guess we can call this the "Second Coming". Biden has so little that he has accomplished that he crows multiple times on the rare occasion that anything of value actually happens. 

Thursday, December 1, 2022

Negating Women Altogether

Apparently, this is the anniversary of Title IV opening more athletic opportunities for female competitors. Only a moron would not recognize that if you have a male who is mediocre at whatever college sport, because of inherent superior strength imbued by male genes, if he calls himself "she" and decides to defeat the distaff contingent, he will dominate girls trying to compete and that will end up denying then championships and even athletic scholarships. This is not a level playing field but inherently discriminatory against anyone actually born female. 

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Success on Pitch

The men's national soccer team of the United States has virtually no chance to win the World Cup. They will next face a highly ranked and experienced squad from the Netherlands, who will almost certainly prevail, but the American side did something few expected. They somehow defeated the Islamic Republic of Iran, who had a team that literally may have been playing for their own lives and safety of their family members. I am glad the team representing a more or less free people won but hope that the players who were defeated do not have to suffer any further because they are unfortunate enough to be under the thumb of the mad mullahs. 

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

"Weighing the Equities"

Nancy Pelosi holds you in very low esteem . She is pondering signing off on a railroad strike that would further devastate the economy of the United States. Union over all might just throw America from recession into depression. The "equities" that old Nancy describes can't be between labor and management but must be between an already suffering people and catastrophe. Let us pray sanity prevails and a railroad strike is avoided. 

Monday, November 28, 2022

Athlete in Crisis

Odell Beckham Jr. was one of the most dominant and explosive wide receivers to ever step on the field. He is in the midst of a health issue that had him removed from a commercial flight. He is still young and might have more football ahead of him. Let us pray what is happening to him is not an early manifestation of CTE and that whatever the problem is, that he can quickly recover. 

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Pretenders Versus Contenders

I attended classes at Vanderbilt University for a semester and two summer sessions several decades back. I knew some of the athletes in passing, including football players. The team back then was not very good on the gridiron. For a couple of games recently, the Vandy boys looked like they may have turned a corner and become competitive in the incredibly tough Southeastern Conference. They managed consecutive wins over Kentucky in Lexington and then at home over the Gators. This was the first time the Commodores had managed that feat against conference rivals in a long time. They were brimming with confidence when their arch-foe Tennessee arrived in Nashville after sustaining a devastating road loss to South Carolina, and in the process, losing their Heisman hopeful star quarterback. A victory over the Vols would send Vanderbilt bowling. In the event, the Dores were bowled over and thrashed fifty-six to nothing. Maybe, my hometown team improved some, but they are far from being able to compete at the top level of the toughest conference in college football. 

Saturday, November 26, 2022

A Sporting Chance

On a given day, the basketball team gathered from the Little Sisters of the Poor is not going to defeat the Boston Celtics. The state high school football champs from Rhode Island are never going to beat the New England Patriots. I will never put a chess grand master into checkmate. In this world, it is good to have realistic expectations. 

Friday, November 25, 2022

Still Standing Strong

I am thankful that despite constant persecution since he came down the escalator to announce his candidacy for President of the United States, Donald Trump is still willing to go to bat for us. Trump certainly loves our nation beyond all else. 

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Schumer's Bold Solution

After the Biden cabal and its minions in Congress have made conditions so bad in the United States that responsible folks realize they can't afford to have children they lack the means to support, DemocRATS are explaining the necessity of having to bring in foreigners as being necessary because the natives are not reproducing. Americans are having to pick between food or heat because they can no longer afford both. New York Senator Chuck Schumer has admitted the "replacement strategy" in public remarks, even if he  has not acknowledged the reason that Americans are not being fruitful is that when you drive up the price of everything, people realize they have no way to pay for large families, but if you give sneak-ins carte blanche with tax dollars confiscated from Americans, they and their anchor babies can live as large as they please. After all, they don't have to pay for it. 

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Not So Elite

Are a bunch of molesters, rapists, and groomers really the best the world has to offer? I think they are scum. If you want to categorize them as your masters that is your business, but I will never kowtow to them. 

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Endless Harassment Campaign

President Trump faces yet more inquisition and unprecedented intrusion into his tax records by Congress.  With all the previous probes, if he was guilty of anything, Trump would have long ago been charged and convicted. The motivation for all this is never that Trump is corrupt but that the rest of those in power are, and know that Donald would expose and put an end to all their misdeeds. 

Monday, November 21, 2022

A Meaningless Reinstatement

I doubt President Trump will return to Twitter, despite being unbanned. The Donald owns his own platform "Truth Social" that is better than the awful company Elon Musk is trying to save. I do not think if Colonel Sanders was alive, you would see him eating at Church's Chicken, even if they offered him a free meal. 

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Clearly Trump Supporter

Can there be doubt in anyone's mind that the Colorado gay club massacre was carried out by one of those Trump bigots? No one would be a bit surprised if the suspect does not claim he committed the violence in the Donald's name, except perhaps Richard Grenell, who is openly gay and acted as Trump's Director of National Intelligence and the thousands of other gay people Donald has worked with or employed over decades. I actually have no idea if the murderer even backed Trump, but you can bet whether or not he did, some members of the press and certain Leftists will say the attack was Trump's fault. 

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Ranked Choice Voting

We will explore a hypothetical election to demonstrate how ranked choice voting (RCV) is designed to thwart the clear will of the majority. Let us pretend you have a Presidential election where RCV is in use. You have a Republican candidate, let us say Donald Trump, a DemocRAT, for argument's sake Joe Biden, a Communist, and a Libertarian. A Biden supporter or a Communist for that matter will not want to cast a vote for Trump or the Libertarian at all, but in being forced to select, since you can't place Biden as first choice, second, third and/or fourth, but only as their primary selection, do they choose the Communist as number two or Trump or the Libertarian? In any event, they only really support their man Joe. By the same token, who does someone who only really wants the Donald pick as his next three choices and in what order? We could have a situation where somehow a Libertarian or the Communist prevail because voters do not know what arcane sequence of ranking would result in the man they actually wanted winning. You could easily have the second choice of many but first choice of few defeating the individual that received the most first place votes. Americans want to pick winners, without caring who second through fourth place are, because we generally regard everyone who is not the champion as losers. 

Friday, November 18, 2022

Simply Too Divisive?

Is Donald John Trump too much of a bomb thrower to serve again as President? Does Trump have so large an ego as to preclude him from serving in high office any further (as if the politicians on the other side are modest and self-effacing)? Are we going to listen to people who despise us, deplore Trump, and hate the nation as it was Founded and let them select our candidates, or will we follow our conscience and our hearts and pick someone who loves our country as much as we do? 

Thursday, November 17, 2022

A Long Relationship

Did you know Herschel Walker and Donald Trump have known each other for four decades? Donald lured the football great from entering the NFL to play for Trump's New Jersey Generals of the United States Football League. They are both high energy winners who love America. Let us pray both emerge victorious in their coming elections. 

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Comes Our Cavalry

The salvation of the United may soon be at hand. A force that wants to return America to our Founding Ethos, to prosperity, to strength where Americans regain the respect of the world announced he will seek the Presidency that the cabal stole from him. That savior is Donald John Trump, a man who adores our nation even more than true patriots love him. You have my support Mr. President. We want you back in the White House to deliver energy independence, make the military strong, the streets safe, secure our border, and make us great again. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Stripped of Freedom

We are in a post-Constitutional America in some aspects, and with successive "questionable" elections, the situation is only growing worse. Any republic or democracy for that matter needs transparent vote collection and counting so that the vast majority from any party have confidence in the system. Without that, with one or the other faction always doubting a straight outcome, you have chaos and invite violence between the sides. You also have a particular party who for some time has insisted the Constitution be read as a "living document", which is like being in a card game where the dealer is able to change the rules in the middle of a hand. Those same DemocRATS act as though the Second Amendment is not a crucial guard on liberty but a danger that must be eliminated. We need to hew onto our Founding documents and preserve an order that cherishes and upholds fair processes, in every arena from balloting to criminal justice, so January 6 suspects are not detained without bond or even bail hearings for over a year. Faith in the United States needs to be restored as we make our nation great again. 

Monday, November 14, 2022

Walls Not Bridges

It is hilarious that those who live in gated enclaves with private armed guards tell those who do not have the means to live beside them that nothing is wrong at our Southern border or in urban areas beset by huge numbers of homeless and insist that serfs like us need to give up our guns, the only means we have to protect our families, because we somehow threaten the non-existent peace in America. They wall themselves in while inviting the world entire to sneak into the United States. While some illegal aliens are relatively harmless, many are criminals and lunatics freed from jails and asylums in places like Venezuela and Nicaragua under the condition that they leave there and come here. Many others are told by the criminals that help them sneak across to deliver narcotics as a condition for their help and indeed their very survival as in "bring in this package and hand it to who we have told you or you and your family members are dead". The dunces with their"Coexist" bumper stickers and the limousine liberals will be the targets of the criminal aliens entering now and that is fine, but we sensible folk who demand sovereignty will be their prey too. We need a wall at our Southern border to keep us safe in our houses, and around our communities to keep us safe from the predations visited on us by the homeless. 

Sunday, November 13, 2022

The "Homeless Community"

The ruling party wants to make the homeless a protected class, just like the trannies. In my hometown, our DemocRAT politicians talk about the Nashville "homeless community". I know I am part of this city because we pay more in property tax every year than my father paid to rent a mansion when he came here in the late 1930s. How can the homeless have a "community"? Is that not anywhere they take their stolen shopping cart with the big corrugated box or the tent they sleep in when they are not in a shelter, rehab, or jail? Of course, you have those with "mobile flops"- a vehicle that runs that they stuff towels in the windows to obscure the view when they shoot up inside or snort what they thought was cocaine but turns out to be deadly Fentanyl. Then some other member of the vagrant "community" dumps the body somewhere and has a new "mobile home" to repeat the process. These folks are not part of our community, because that would suggest they contribute something to it, but parasites who use social services that we pay for, are all too often aggressive panhandlers, violent if you refuse them when they beg for a handout, and often responsible for a great deal of Nashville's crime, when they break into homes and shops to steal to feed their habit, engage in strong arm robbery if you do not pony up when they confront you, or armed robbery when they get their hands on a weapon. The vagrants are not part of our community but prey on it. There is no difference between a beggar in Nashville and one in New York City, not neighbors but parasites who can make themselves homeless anywhere, not through bad luck, but self-destructive choices. 

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Stealing Some Countries

If the political Left does not win "fair and square", they still seem to find ways to prevail. Whether in Brazil or the United States, where there is a will, the forces of evil find a way. The two most populace nations in the Western Hemisphere have both just had highly questionable elections, in the case of America, the second in a row (The first being 2020). 

Friday, November 11, 2022

Try Using Logic

Does it serve a particular party's interest to stretch out the vote and the counting of ballots?  Yes, it certainly does. Does one side seem to win an uncanny number of those long counts? Absolutely, and it is NOT the Republicans. What would the odds be that ninety percent of the close contests would be won by DemocRATS? Seems to be about one out of one, as the GOP can't seem to pull very many of those out. 

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Just a Thought

Life is a trick question. 

Counting the Votes

Votes are found for DemocRATS that were never even cast. Ballots that were actually placed for Republicans will never ever be tallied. They do not count. In some places, it is taking so long to process that it seems the totals are being figured on fingers and toes. It is ludicrous that in a developed, First World nation, the workings of democracy are conducted in such a slipshod manner. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

On Election Theft

If the content a particular candidate wished to distribute was suppressed, have you really had a free and fair election? If the largest search site employs algorithms that favor one party and inhibit access to what the other side is attempting to convey, can we claim a straight vote has occurred? If one side's emails invariably end up in folks' spam filter but their opponents' messages are readily seen, has there been an unfair advantage? If the regime can send out the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation to harass and even prosecute those that oppose Biden or indoctrination and grooming in public schools or the murder of those not yet born, has the contest been an honest one?<script async src=""

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Time to Pray

Now that we have voted, let us all beseech the Lord for the protection of the United States. We certainly need it, and if DemocRATS steal another election, only divine intervention could save America. 

Monday, November 7, 2022

The Election Thieves

Do a handful of Republicans cheat in an effort to win an election? Sure, do a few DemocRATS play it straight to uphold the integrity of the vote? Possibly a small number of DemocRAT politicians would not want to use questionable means to prevail, but most seem to be win at all and any cost to maintain and advance their own power. The party of Machiavelli is definitely NOT the GOP. 

Sunday, November 6, 2022

The Battle Plan

Republicans are going to mobilize voters at the precinct level. The GOP will send out "remember to vote" telephone calls.  DemocRATS are also going to activate their voters. They will rise from their graves or materialize from thin air to cast their votes for DemocRAT candidates. Let us hope in this epic struggle that good and (the) right prevail. 

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Beware of Cheating

America needs plenty of observers to ensure a fair vote and an honest count. If you stop the count or at least say you are halting it overnight and send the monitors home but keep counting ballots, it seems certain you are up to no good. If you kick Republican watchers out and then put up cardboard to obstruct the view of what is going on inside, you may be safe to assume that it is cheating. If you claim a plumbing problem is forcing a stop to the tally but process thousands of ballots after the GOP side is ushered out, you are not playing it straight. There are a multitude of ways to manipulate elections, and DemocRATS are masters of them all. 

Friday, November 4, 2022

Enemies of Liberty

Every corporation pulling their advertisements from Twitter in the wake of Elon Musk beginning to end censorship there is telling us they hate free speech. If you abhor that, you despise human freedom. I will stand with Musk and have gone back on Twitter because at this point on this issue Musk is an ally of patriots. 

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Return to Sanity

Israel has just elected not to commit national suicide, a rational choice for any country. Israel had been in the thrall of a coalition that included an Arab party hostile to the notion of a "Jewish" state. The now departing leadership had made concessions to mortal enemies that made Jews more vulnerable in their homeland and destroyed deterrence both domestically from terrorists within the borders to abroad against genocidal states like Syria and Iran. By restoring Netanyahu to power, the Middle East will be a more stable and secure place. Let us hope that the United States follows suit in the coming days to put competent leaders back in place as a hedge against the destruction Biden is unleashing. 

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Whiff of Corruption

America's elections are every bit as above board as Brazil's. If you can't trust the count in these places, you might as well be skeptical about votes everywhere. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

New Titan's Stadium

I am opposed to taxpayer money being directed at any private purpose, including the Nashville stadium, but that being said, if you are throwing public money to billionaires, why would you not plan and build a venue large enough to host a Super Bowl? If seventy thousand seats is the minimum threshold to host the biggest game, why propose a facility that only holds sixty thousand spectators? The difference in price of the extra 10,000 seats would certainly be less now than it would be after construction is complete to attempt to add them later. 

Monday, October 31, 2022

Days of Progress

The thrill of early motoring was the ride of our life// The electric chair put an end to much strife// Thanks to Dr. Southwick and Thomas Edison too// Many evil doers are forever through// Riding the lightning may be exciting,// But it's not good for you

Sunday, October 30, 2022

A Mini Insurrection?

Was the attack on the US Speaker of the House's husband a continuation of January 6?  I imagine that is what some of the mainstream press, the New York Times, MSNBC and CNN will claim along with DemocRAT leadership, but evidence I suspect will point to the contrary. The right-wing social media postings supposedly by the suspect seem to have been uploaded on Friday, after the alleged attack, which would indicate someone is trying to imply a political motive in an assault where there may have been none. 

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Pappy Pelosi's Pal

Paul Pelosi described his assailant as a "friend" in his emergency call. With friends like that, who needs enemies? Something else may have been going on in the Pelosi home besides an assault. 

Friday, October 28, 2022

Go Fact Yourself

The Left and their dinosaur media handmaidens rushed out to blame MAGA for the Katie Hobbs break-in and the attack on Paul Pelosi, as right wing, strong-arm tactics just before an election. I think they should not rush to judgement and slander around half of the voters. The burglary of the campaign office in Arizona appears to have been the work of a burglar in action, not some redux of Watergate in the Southwest. Poor Paul Pelosi seems to have encountered a dangerous psycho, but not some raging Trump supporter. I think folks should hold their fire until all the facts emerge. 

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Battling the Headwinds

If dead folks, fictitious voters, ineligible foreigners and felons were culled out of ballot counting, almost the entire United States would be electing Republicans in the upcoming elections. The "margin of cheat" in many areas in determinative and almost never orchestrated by corrupt Republicans. The corruption goes just one way in almost every case with theft committed by DemocRATS and those working to install them. All that presumes the counts are honest because a dishonest count is even worse than the fake vote scandal. It is Stalin in action who infamously declare: "It's not the people who vote that count, it's the people who count the votes." That should never be a worry in America but certainly seems to be since the 2020 vote.

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

An Uphill Climb

The headwind of DemocRAT cheating will be hard to overcome in this election cycle. Paper ballots and hand counts observed by both major parties would curb the cheating, which is why DemocRATS are determined to prevent anything that would impair their dead and non-existent voters. 

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Watch Kennedy Documentary

You are able for the next few hours to watch Robert Kennedy's excellent Tony Fauci documentary without being charged. You should definitely take advantage of this limited time promotion. If you miss the free window and have to pay to watch it, your investment in both time and money will be well worth it. You should also read Kennedy's book The Real Anthony Fauci. The disease of COVID is undeniably bad, but the so-called vaccine may not ameliorate it. The one thing I know with ontological certitude is that a few folks have become rich as kings forcing the vaccines on an unwary public. 

Monday, October 24, 2022

Putin Crossed Rubicon

A former Putin diplomat Boris Bondarev said the little dictator is willing to lose twenty million soldiers to conquer Ukraine. I wonder what Russia's mothers think of that possibility? 

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Fall of Britain

Forces charged with the protection of the borders of the United Kingdom have actually picked up thousands of migrants in boats and brought them into relatively luxurious accommodations without very much vetting at taxpayer expense. This dereliction is equivalent to the fire brigade handing known arsonists petrol and matches. 

Saturday, October 22, 2022

A Unique Opportunity

Americans have a chance in the coming days to strike a blow for freedom. They can vote out those imperiling their liberty and prosperity and return folks who cherish our Founding Values to power. It is up to us to vote in massive numbers for the Grand Old Party. Just as the days are darkening earlier, the time grows short to save the nation. Let your vote be your sword to restore America's greatness! 

Friday, October 21, 2022

America Under Occupation

The ruling cabal in the United States is governing against the wishes of the majority of Americans. I think, if counted fairly, our votes in the coming days will bear that out; however, if another election is stolen, millions will rue the day. If the majority is ignored at the ballot box, they will surely find other ways to get their point across, from boycotts to general strikes, to heaven-forbid, violence. Let us all pray that we have a transparent and honest election this time.

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Georgia Under Sherman

What happened to Georgia with the conquest by Federal troops during the American Civil War will not hold a candle to what will happen to the Peach State should Stacey Abrams and the DemocRATS win. In the not so distant past, many candidates kissed babies on the campaign trail. The behemoth Abrams is the first office seeker I have ever seen who says you should kill your baby to stave off inflation. She is an incarnation of absolute evil.

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Is Pennsylvania Crazy?

We will soon see if the voters of the Keystone State are absolutely insane. Will they elect a brilliant and generous medical doctor who is eloquent and informed, or a mentally-incapacitated parasite who lived off his parents' wealth until he was around fifty years of age? Will Pennsylvania send Dr. Oz who knows much and is a quick study or Fetterman, who was not exactly a genius before his stroke and now can't even engage in complex conversation? 

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Debating the Debates

I have not had the opportunity or even the inclination this campaign season to watch the political debates. I have seen commentary on them and "highlights", if you can call them that. The reactions to the candidates vying with each other depends on what your source of media is. On mainstream websites, it is portrayed as DemocRATS cleaning house and Republicans turning off potential voters. On right wing radio, it is portrayed just the opposite. I suppose the truth is somewhere in the middle, but even a blind man can see DemocRAT policies are destroying America, so unless you really hate the country or like suffering, I suggest you vote Republican this election cycle. 

Monday, October 17, 2022

Iran's Bastille Moment

Tehran's notorious Evin prison caught fire amidst the protests roiling the country. Iranians disgusted by decades of tyranny from the mad mullahs gathered outside the torture chamber as it burned shouting "death to the ayatollahs". The world could be nearing the moment of liberation of some of the most oppressed but courageous people if the Iranians can only throw off the yoke. 

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Biden Partially Correct

Joe Biden declared that the American economy is "strong as hell". It is certainly NOT strong at this point in time, but for many families struggling to make ends meet, it certainly is hell. 

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Marx My Words

What are we going to do about the bankers?// What are we going to do to landlords too?// Repeat// They eat their steak and pie in the blink of an eye and would never save a crumb for you//Repeat 

Biden's Forthcoming Impeachment

If Republicans take the United States House of Representatives, Joe Biden may well face impeachment over his politically-motivated attempt to delay Saudi Arabia's production cut until after the November elections. If Joe asked this of the Kingdom, he should be impeached. If Biden did this, it shows he cares nothing for the plight of Americans and only about perpetuating the power of DemocRATS. 

Friday, October 14, 2022

Parties of Genius

America has the DemocRATS that now push policies that mimic Marx but still often campaign as moderates and unifiers. Americans have establishment Republicans that too often comport themselves like they want their own party to lose, as we see with those pushing a Federal abortion ban at the worst possible time that has no chance of passing and even if it did, would never pass Constitutional muster at the United States Supreme Court, which they all know as everyone else does that the nation's highest court has passed the responsibility for regulating abortion back to the States. Also for some reason certain Republicans are now demanding real cuts to Social Security and Medicare, once again just before an election where they are facing the party that every campaign season scares seniors into voting for them by claiming that the GOP will do just that, cut the Federal lifeline that many of the elderly need. There is certainly no reason to vote DemocRAT and continue to crash the country, but why vote for the GOP either if they are only going to throw salt in the widening wounds of our suffering citizenry? 

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Every Bit Deliberate

Some folks are hyping the "largest cost of living increase in forty years" that is about to be doled out to recipients of Social Security.  This is a tragedy that should be mourned. Since man's memory runneth not to the contrary, there have been schemers and angle players trying to gain power and the wealth that accompanies it. A huge aspect of one of the most prominent currents ploys is trading carbon credits. This is in a nation (America) that used to make real things, needed by people in their daily lives. The conspirators are pushing this plot to supplant a productive economy with an unnecessary house of cards, wherein a few will grow rich at the expense of those who are no longer able to afford heating their homes or driving. This is on top of a cabal essentially gutting the domestic production of carbon-emitting fuels, driving up the cost of everything, and printing increasingly worthless fiat currency to keep up. Savers in the United States have been punished for years with low interest rates and now a pittance of an increase in government aid to retired and disabled people is supposed to ameliorate the catastrophe the regime is dragging us through. 

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

All American Misery

Race may be an artificial construct, after all, ultimately we are all human, and virtually all Americans regardless of background, have it worse under Biden than Trump. Team Biden is arguing that the United States is not in a recession. They may be right- we may already be in an economic depression. Government has a very limited capacity even under the best circumstances to really lift anyone up but is an excellent tool for taking from the more successful. Federal power can be employed to great effect to spread the misery and that is precisely what demented Joe and the cabal propping him up are doing. 

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Whites Must Suffer!

In the immediate aftermath of the hurricane that struck Florida, Kamala Harris emerged declaring that aid would be based on "equity" and that would be predicated on race. There was immense backlash and with good reason, and out trotted DemocRAT spokes mouths to walk back the very notion. What Harris expressed was not some slip of the lip but a "trial balloon". To demonstrate this, one must note that Elizabeth Warren just proposed the same anti-white malarky, proving Harris's intonation was not loose words without foundation but the direction the DemocRAT party is deliberately heading.  

Monday, October 10, 2022

Tuberville Is Correct

US Senator from Alabama Republican Tommy Tuberville is right in equating the concept of reparations to crime. When you demand something for nothing with the threat of rioting at least implied, particularly in the wake of the ANTIFA and BLM insurrection, it could easily be seen as extortion. Beyond that taking from those who never owned slaves to give to those that never were slaves is theft. 

Sunday, October 9, 2022

To Cure Inflation

Spending by the Federal government will never slow inflation. It will cause inflation but not fix it. There is no way to dig deeper to escape a hole. You only find yourself in a bottomless pit. A "guaranteed income" provided by government, also known as something for nothing, will be worth just that. Sound as the dollar is becoming a punch line to a sick joke. 

Saturday, October 8, 2022

How Inflation Destroys

You would probably be happy if your boss gave you a four percent raise. While it certainly beats no increase, in the economy in America today, that would mean you are losing buying power due to the eight percent rate of inflation. If you have stock, a 401(k), or pension that has invested in US markets, not only are you hit by inflation, but your portfolio is likely down as well. Virtually everything costs more, but you are losing ground with your holdings and your wages or salary are probably not keeping up as America crumbles. 

Friday, October 7, 2022

Must Be Intentional

The manner America is being dragged down by political leadership does not look like an accident. Only people that hate us from the nation's Founding could want to damage the United States like this. No leader could be this stupid or crazy. What is happening is deliberate destruction. 

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Time for Churchill

When the world most needs stellar leadership, we are saddled with Joe Biden. Oh no, I may have just F....d with a Biden! I pray old Joe does not come over and try to sniff my seven year old daughter. 

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Baldwin Went Commando

Alec Baldwin has killed more Russian Ukrainians than a lot of the soldiers in the war taking place there. The lady he took out was born in the Ukraine to a member of the Russian military. Maybe, he should go over there and put a uniform on, because he has certainly demonstrated the ability to kill a person. 

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

The Holiest Day

In my faith, today is Yom Kippur. This is the most significant holiday in the Jewish year. It is our Day of Atonement, where we repent for the sins we have committed throughout the year that just ended with the celebration of Rosh Hashanah (our New Year). I hope to be less sinful in the year that we are entering but am sure I will have more to ask forgiveness for next Yom Kippur. 

Monday, October 3, 2022

Dog Killer Oz?

Dr. Oz may or may not have experimented on canines (like Fauci did), but at least he is not for abortion to the moment of birth and perhaps a bit after like Fetterman is. If I had to hold my nose to pick one of these candidates, I would select the one that still has the ability to form a cogent sentence (Mehmet Oz). Fetterman is a particular sad case after his health crisis. He would make a good companion in the nursing home for "Basement Biden". 

Sunday, October 2, 2022

Such Cute Tricks

The DemocRATS will give Republican states all the Federal aid they want and more after hurricanes so long as it is attached to spending bills inimical to the GOP and anyone with any sense and a soul. So long as Republicans sign off on abortion on demand and gun confiscation, the ruling cabal will provide ample emergency relief, but if the Republicans in the House and Senate hold onto to their principles and say aid should go where it is needed, then Federal help for the disaster for Florida will be severely limited. 

Saturday, October 1, 2022

A Hard Road

No matter who is in the White House, it is difficult for America to deal with an enormous natural disaster. With a leader who seems to be afflicted with dementia (Joe Biden), it is that much worse for the United States now. 

Friday, September 30, 2022

An Easy Recovery?

It is never easy for a community to recover from a natural disaster. What Florida faces will likely be worse, with the supply chain already in proverbial tatters and a Federal administration hostile to Governor DeSantis. In perfect circumstances, parts of the Sunshine State might never recover. In today's world, it will be a miracle if there is much rebuilt anytime soon. 

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Watch Disaster Compounded

When hurricanes strike, of course those near where the storm makes landfall have much to fear. Then comes the possibility of tornadoes spinning off. Next comes massive rains that invariably are dropped sometimes hundreds of miles inland even sometimes affecting my hometown of Nashville, Tennessee and beyond. Assuming the hurricane lessens to a tropical storm at some point, there is still great danger as huge amounts of precipitation swell rivers, creeks, lakes, reservoirs, and dams whether it is still a hurricane or has diminished to mere heavy rains. These events are killers, but do not blame your SUV- it did not cause the hurricane. 

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Blame the Europeans

Before the Conquistadors landed in America, all the First Peoples were living in peace and harmony. The natives were prosperous with incredibly advanced civilizations. Nope- completely to the contrary, Indian tribes were at war with each other and killing members of other tribes with great regularity. Certain tribes had rituals involving their own people that would have made Spartans squeamish. Human sacrifice was common among the natives in Latin America and some in what became known as the "New World" even practiced cannibalism. Don't let the "woke" fool you- they are only mad at the so-called "colonizers" for being better at conquest than their predecessors throughout the Americas. 

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Winters in Spring

I thought Jonathan Winters was one of the funniest folks out there. On one of Dad's trips to New York in May 1958 for the opening of the Seagram's Building, he said Winters was cracking jokes with him in a club, yes, but at the urinals, which is not necessarily where you want to hear a punch line. In any event, not many folks can say they had Jonathan Winters delivering one liners with them while they were answering nature's call, but Seymour Goodman could. 

Monday, September 26, 2022

I Liked Carlin

George Carlin was one of the funniest original thinkers around. He had a great take on baseball. I wonder what Carlin would have thought of the steroid-enhanced generation of players. They brought a football attitude of win at any cost to what was formerly a gentleman's sport. Baseball is probably no longer America's game, but then again the United States is not so united anymore. 

Sunday, September 25, 2022

To be "Judged"

If you look for a home run hitter who probably is not "juiced", behold the massive and muscular Aaron Judge. Judge is so strong, he does not need any artificial help. He is the type of athlete (literally) that folks should look up to and at six feet, seven inches that is quite a ways up to look. 

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Pumped Performance Pujols

Albert Pujols has certainly reached rarefied air. He has become the fourth Major League baseball player ever to hit seven hundred or more home runs. This feat is amazing, but how much did performance enhancing drugs aid this accomplishment? Pujols has the admiration of many fans, but those with longer memories may always consider those homers a bit tainted. 

Friday, September 23, 2022

Not an Insurrection

The events of January 6 were not an "insurrection" or as I read of them today, "a Trump coup". There was indeed violence, much of which I believe was instigated by informants or agents of government. I witnessed police remove barriers and wave demonstrators into the Capitol on video. I saw flash-bang grenades fired into what had been to that time a peaceful crowd. Two protestors died after being close to those explosions. I watched another protester pushed over a ledge by police and falling a great height (the victim of the fall apparently survived). I studied the video of police beating Roseanne Boyland when she was down and defenseless and the folks they pushed on top of her, although her death was somehow attributed to drugs. I was especially horrified by the officer who shot Ashli Babbitt to death with no warning when she posed no threat. I wish the event had played out differently, but one fact seems undeniable, that in the nation than has the most heavily armed civilian population on earth with more than four hundred million guns in private hands, a real insurrection would have been a much more bloody affair. 

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Must Be Deliberate

If someone was aiming to destroy the prosperity of America and the wealth of Americans, they would do precisely what the Biden regime and the Federal Reserve are doing. The problem is not near full employment, which is a manipulated number anyway as the manner in which it is calculated was changed in 2010 during the Obama term, but overprinting of fiat currency. Inflation is not caused by people working, but by too much cash chasing too few goods. New government programs and tremendous boosts in spending on existing ones (like the supercharged Internal Revenue Service) pours gasoline on the inflation fires. Cutting off a nation's access to its own mineral wealth is cutting the throats of a country's consumers. The Biden cabal has done all this and more, and now welcoming the rest of the globe and inviting them to come for welfare benefits may well finish the United States off. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Putin's Nuclear Threat

I do not think the modern incarnation of Napoleon who has launched the worst war of aggression in Europe since 1945 is bluffing. I also believe that the US and the West must not cave in to Putin's bullying. 
Mutually assured destruction is as powerful a deterrent now as it was when the Communists ruled the USSR. Putin might be sick or even dying, but I doubt he wants to hasten his demise in a glowing mushroom cloud. Whatever damage Russia might unleash on their enemies through an atomic attack would be countered with a response that would mean the end of Russia and with that, the end of their little Caesar. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

New Iranian Revolution

It is early days with an uncertain outcome, but the Iranian people may have had enough. Thousands have hit the streets in an attempt to overthrow the theocratic tyrants who hold the nation hostage. This happened once before with the Green Revolution during the Obama Presidency but failing to find US or international support that revolt failed. For the sake of humanity, let us pray this time the Iranian people succeed in throwing of their fanatical oppressors. 

Monday, September 19, 2022

Such Sad Pageantry

I have to hand it to the British. They really know how to hold a funeral. Of course, not every burial in England matches what they do for the Queen, but when they put on a spectacle, it really shines through. The majesty of this ceremony probably will not be repeated for a few years, if not decades. At least Charles hopes for a long reign, though it will not possibly be anywhere close to his mother's. Long live the high production values.

Sunday, September 18, 2022

What Crowds Mean

Whatever you think of the outcome of the 2020 Presidential election, you must recognize almost no genuine enthusiasm existed for Joe Biden. President Trump would muster a crowd into the hundreds of thousands, while old Joe would have a few dozen people in their socially distanced COVID white circle outlines, some of whom were allegedly paid to be there on the rare occasion Biden would leave his basement. In the event of the vote (real or manufactured), none of that ultimately mattered in the slightest. Still, you must remember the admonition attributed to Stalin that it is only who counts the votes that matters. 

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Thieves and Degenerates

There are flawed folks in any political party, but in America, only the DemocRATS have the worst scoundrels at the highest ranks of their leadership. From "I didn't have sex . . ." Bill Clinton, to subpoena ignoring Hillary, to the self-enriching Obamas with Barack's fingerprints all over the Biden cabal, to the "Big Guy" himself, fading, influence-peddling Joe, the DemocRATS are the WORST, but Trump sent out some mean Tweets, so we all know who the real villain is. 

Friday, September 16, 2022

Putin Almost Assassinated

I am not under any illusions that Russia's dictator is anything but evil. Putin has initiated the first war of aggression in Europe of the 2000s. According to press reports, someone apparently made an attempt on the tyrant's life. The attack failed, which may be just as well as it is highly unlikely a Jeffersonian Democrat will replace Putin but quite probable that Vlad will be followed by someone just as bad or worse. 

Thursday, September 15, 2022

So Many Millionaires!

Pretty soon there may be one hundred million American millionaires. I just heard Maria Bartiromo talk about a twenty dollar grilled cheese sandwich. A cup of coffee and not your fancy Starbucks either, just ordinary old cup of Joe, may soon cost five dollars. The average price of new cars is nearly fifty thousand bucks, if you can find a new vehicle. You will soon have the buying power with one million USD that $50,000 had in 1960. Will you be able to enjoy your newfound wealth? 

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Our Fractured Union

We may well go from being a nation locked down over COVID to one shut down by strikes. You see Joe Biden and the cabal around him kiss the ring of organized labor to the detriment of just about every American who is not a union bigwig. The teacher unions kept schools shut down long after it became clear that in-person instruction posed no risk to student survival and little risk to educators and staff. Coronavirus did not keep doors shut and then masks on young learners; the power of union leaders did at great and lasting cost to the children they claim to care so much about, but their true concern is remaining a cash cow to largely DemocRAT politicians with the influence that delivers them. Now our rail and port workers are being told by their union bosses to drive a stake through the heart of our already reeling nation. If they now have a strike, they will be kicking the rest of Americans while we are down, and they seem to really dig that. Where is Reagan when we most need him to shove these troublemakers back in their box? 

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Saw for Myself

Thankfully, I had (and have) no need for a new vehicle, so I have not been on a car dealer lot since before COVID (or at least before anyone was concerned about the pandemic here in Nashville, Tennessee). I was astounded yesterday when I was killing some time by looking at cars while my Mom had her semiannual physical. I went to an Acura dealer where we bought a car over twenty years ago. They had no new Acuras on their lot (zilch, zero, absolutely NONE). I proceeded to the the Lexus dealer, where we purchased our last automobile. They had one sedan in their new car showroom, precisely a single vehicle in new inventory. They wanted seven thousand dollars over new sticker price for a 2022 Lexus with thirteen thousand miles on it on the used side of the Lexus agency. What America is suffering bears the hallmarks not of a recession but a depression. 

Monday, September 12, 2022

Not Even Close

Certain DemocRATS, including Biden, have tried to make Trump supporters out to be every bit as dangerous as Islamic extremists, if not more, even tying them together on September 11.  Washington State US Representative Pramila Jaydal smeared MAGA yesterday on what should be a sacred and unifying commemoration. Trump supporters killed exactly nobody on January 6, while jihadists murder someone somewhere virtually every day. If you want to tag groups that resemble the murderous terrorists, try DemocRAT stalwarts ANTIFA and BLM, which actually do kill folks and destroy billions of dollars worth of property. MAGA tend to be law-abiding police supporters who are the most patriotic Americans. 

Sunday, September 11, 2022

They Mostly Forget

America was not attacked on September 11, 2001 by white supremacists, white separatists, Trump supporters, or MAGA Americans. We were hit by Islamists, or what might be accurately termed Muslim triumphalists. The one aspect that is open to question is whether the murderers that day were acting in faith to Islam or profaning it by slaughtering innocents? 

Saturday, September 10, 2022

An Open Vote

If Britain had the chance to vote for their monarch, do you think Charles would be their choice? It is a good thing for him that royalty is hereditary, because with other candidates to pick from, there is no way most folks would select Charlie. 

Friday, September 9, 2022

Presidents and Kings

Cemeteries are filled with indispensable folks. To some, I suppose Queen Elizabeth II was the sine qua non that defined the Commonwealth, but even they will likely find little changes under Charles III. After all, Charles only needs to look at his mother's comportment as a sound example. 

Thursday, September 8, 2022

When Forever Ends

Title suggested by Sherry Goodman: Sometimes an individual becomes transcendent, a person becomes an institution. I am in no way a monarchist, but even I recognize the significance of the passing of Queen Elizabeth II. She was an enduring historical figure, who must be recognized for longevity, if nothing else. I also think she was the bedrock of the English royal family. Without her, it remains to be seen if the monarchy will even survive. 

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Freedom of Press?

An essential aspect of liberty is free speech. If you have to be worried that what you say will get you murdered, then your words are anything but unencumbered. Rushdie is certainly an example of this, but so is the investigative reporter just stabbed to death in Las Vegas. A DemocRAT politician is alleged to have committed this crime. That particular assailant is no supporter of the First Amendment. We need freedom of press and speech to continue as a free Republic. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Knife Gun Club

 I wish we lived in a world where people did not need to protect themselves and their families. That is NOT where we are today. If a coyote is trying to eat your Yorkie, I bet you want a revolver in your hand to save your dog. If you see on your security camera four guys in hoodies and masks trying to pry your door open, I bet you feel better if you have a loaded shotgun in your hand. The Canada stabbing spree that just happened demonstrated mass murder is quite possible without firearms. I bet over the history of mankind more folks have been killed by weapons other than guns than by bullets. Gun control is folly that leaves the vulnerable utterly defenseless. 

Monday, September 5, 2022

Angels of Death?

We NEVER agreed to have my father in palliative care. He had infections and chronic conditions that were treatable and survivable. Palliative and hospice care give up on the prospect of survival. Dad was diabetic. You can live with diabetes if you manage it. He had COPD but did fine on oxygen, which he basically only used at night. Dad had contracted three infections under Vanderbilt's care or lack thereof, but he had numerous infections over his ninety years and always bounced back after his antibiotic treatment. My father's advance directive was for life, and what we and he were pleading for was to honor those wishes. I will never forgive Vanderbilt for the medical murder of Seymour Goodman. 

Sunday, September 4, 2022

Ask No Questions!

Republicans are not allowed to claim elections were stolen. Al Gore, Hillary Clinton, and Stacy Abrams are permitted to contend the elections they lost were stolen, and Congress does not hold hearings about them. The FBI does not raid their homes. The Department of Justice does not investigate or charge them. The White House spokes lout does not smear them as "extremists". It is only supporters of Donald Trump who are subjected to this "special attention" by the DemocRATS that now hold power. 

Saturday, September 3, 2022

Only the Best?

Joe Biden is yet another of the lowest people risen to the highest office. Joe has been credibly accused of sex assault. His own daughter in her diary accuses Biden of taking showers with her that were "inappropriate". He has enriched himself and his family members through influence peddling for years. Is this really the best America has to offer? Bill Clinton was much the same, except with many more allegations of sexual impropriety. Just look at Hunter Biden and remember apples don't fall far from trees. 

Friday, September 2, 2022

The Gauntlet Thrown

Joe Biden attacked American democracy last night. In our republic, we have had a two party system where each side vies for votes. We have never had a "controlled opposition" where the party in power dictates to their opponents what their platform must be and how they are permitted to campaign. Joe Biden believes it is his right to dominate the Republican Party from his perch as President. In reality, anyone watching knows old Joe is in cognitive decline and does not fully understand what he was tasked to deliver last night, but his message was anti-democracy and anti-American (at least how we have been since our Founding). Biden and those pulling his strings called for war against MAGA last night. MAGA must turn the other cheek and remember conservative ideas are winning. Don't take the bait. Just make sure your vote counts. 

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Ranked Choice Shenanigans

Observe Alaska, a solidly red Trump state, that just installed its first DemocRAT United States Representative since 1971. Thank ranked choice voting and the mail-in ballot. Republicans won sixty percent of the first place votes, but a Pelosi rubber stamp now holds the seat. Push is growing very close to shove and the Arsonist-in-chief is deliberately pouring gasoline on the fire (the only place Biden still wants fossil fuels, to burn up his opposition). 

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Not a Chance

Do you think the hostage-taking mad mullahs will ever give up their aim of eradicating the Jewish State? Do you believe that the ayatollahs will ever adopt Jeffersonian democracy? Do you actually buy the Islamic Republic's pitch that their nuclear program is for peaceful purposes? Iran is a threat to America and the world and an absolute menace to the region. Treaties entered into with lying fanatics are not worth the paper they are printed on, and this is doubly the case with the End Time despots who have enslaved the Iranian people! 

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Run From Iran

What Iran is: 1.)End Time Shiite fanatics stirring the world to chaos so that their prophet emerges from the well. 2.)Bent on hegemony in the Middle East where they have already subverted Lebanon (Hezbollah) and Yemen (the Houthis), intruded in Iraq (Hezbollah in Iraq and the Sadrists), and propped up their bloody-handed ally Assad in Syria. 3.)The largest exporter of terror around the globe, blowing up Jews in two separate events in Argentina, attacking Jews in Bulgaria, constantly agitating for more terror in the Holy Land. What Iran is not:1.)A reliable negotiating partner. 2.)A nation that can be counted on to keep any agreements 3.)A stabilizing force for the region or the world. Given the aforementioned facts, why would any nation, particularly the United States, seek or accept a new treaty with Iran? 

Monday, August 29, 2022

Serfs and Slaves

Some among the so-called "elite" say that "you will own nothing and be happy by 2030". If they believe this, they should give away all their possessions now, including money, homes, and vehicles right away, and see how happy it makes them. They will not do this ever, as they are only posturing as they attempt to make us all serve them (or die). 

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Bread Not Circus

I used to like the college football season; indeed, the televised games were one of the better parts of the year. They were our modern day gladiators doing combat for our amusement and distraction. People who are hungry enough and even those realizing that they are on the verge of food insecurity can't afford to waste their time worrying about whether the team from social justice university is going to beat the college of anthem kneelers. Real life has intruded on the games, and that really gets in the way. I have never seen my country so riven and imperiled as now with the only goal of Americans being survival. 

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Lawless Law Enforcement

When the Federal Bureau of Investigation raids the home of a former President from a political party no longer in power, one must question the predicate. Was the motivation to disqualify Trump from future runs for office? When Federal Marshals raid an Amish farmer, one has to ask why? Did he have a crop of Fentanyl coming up in his fields? (Obviously not- are his food crops more deadly than the unchecked flow of narcotics across the Southern border of the United States that the Biden regime permits to go on virtually unabated?) "Hey planter- those are some dangerous ears of corn you have there!" The conduct of Federal law enforcement has become ripe for parody and reeks with political bias. 

Friday, August 26, 2022

Raid the President?

Countries where dissidents or the political opposition are criminally prosecuted are by definition NOT FREE. Nations where one set of laws applies to the ruling party, while another is enforced against their opponents are tyrannies. When you have double standards and different sets of rules based on political affiliation, you are inviting civil war or revolution. The raid of President Trump is part of an attack meant to disqualify him from seeking the Presidency ever again, and is totally un-American. 

Thursday, August 25, 2022

To Your Health

Young people, athletes in peak physical condition, are having cardiac events and even dying in unprecedented numbers. This phenomenon has never been seen afflicting in such a way as it is with today's gladiators in any significant manner, but suddenly something has changed. I wonder what that could be. 

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Must . . . Restrain . . . Israel

The Biden regime is determined to appease Iran at all costs. America is doing nothing to enhance stability or to protect the traditional allies of the United States in the Middle East. Those negotiating on behalf of the United States are in fact assuring the Islamic Republic that the Jewish State will not take (be permitted to launch and blocked by the US) any preemptive action against the mad mullahs once Tehran signs the new nuclear treaty. Of course, Lapid is not party to this deal and will not be signing anything, but Israel has heretofore been bound to American policy in almost every instance. Why would Washington restrain Saudi Arabia, the Gulf States, and Israel from dealing with what truly is an existential threat while giving in to the world's leading sponsor of terror that operates on a "Death to the Great Satan" (America) ethos and of course have promised the obliteration of the "Little Satan" (Israel) as well?

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Decadence and Depravity

I sincerely doubt they tried to transition children sexually in Sodom and Gomorrah. I guarantee you no heroin or Fentanyl was being used in either of those towns that the Lord wiped from the face of the earth. We are sinning now in ways the most dissipated could not have imagined a mere century ago, and there is bound to be a reckoning. 

Monday, August 22, 2022

What of Islamophobia?

There are indeed some folks that hate Muslims. More often though, I think there is an element of fear towards Muslims and not without some justification. Do you recall many Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, or Jews lopping the heads off of someone who has been perceived to have offended their faiths? September 11, 2001 was not perpetrated by a bunch of Jesuits. Over ninety percent of Muslims would never murder anyone for their faith, but in a religion so large, a few million fanatics can do immense damage. 

Sunday, August 21, 2022

The Worst Discrimination

I see folks all the time saying various groups face the most prejudice. On conservative sites, it is usually "whites, men, and Christians". On the leftist pages, it is blacks, trans folks, and Muslims that are subjected to bigotry. In reality, just about every group has someone that is against it. No bunch has suffered and is suffering as much though as the Jews, and nobody outside of some Jews themselves and Christian Zionists seem to care. 

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Just Two Wrongs

For generations, blacks in America, who had just been freed from slavery by the Civil War, suffered under the unjust system of segregation. The injustice was corrected by law that went into force a couple of generations back. Now I read white people are being banned from certain common areas around Cal-Berkeley housing. This action can't possibly pass Constitutional muster. Beyond that, as my grandmother always taught me, two wrongs do not make a right. These new injustices and insane proposals like reparations are only meant by malevolent forces to have us at each other's throats. To force people who never owned slaves to pay people that never were slaves might just spark a new civil war in the United States. 

Friday, August 19, 2022

Already Trying Extortion

Iran has not yet rejoined the nuclear deal but is already warning of "consequences" if the world does not meet Iranian demands. How much worse will the situation be should America give in to the blackmail of the Islamic Republic? If the mad mullahs are appeased now, Israel will soon be fighting them for their very existence. 

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Run the Numbers

Is it going to take eighty-seven thousand new Internal Revenue Service agents to crack down on America's tax cheat billionaires? We must have more billionaires than I thought, or is the government planning on printing so many devalued US Dollars that we are all billionaires, just like the bad old days in Zimbabwe? 

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Racketeers and Rapists

The luminaries of the DemocRAT Party include the money-grubbing Bidens, the venal Clintons, The Kennedy (Skakel) boys who like "waitress sandwiches" and who you might not trust with a golf club, particularly if you are a teenage girl. I know there are Republicans who commit crimes too, but they do not become President. 

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Some Took All

The Biden and Clinton families have long records of so-called "public service". In the instance of each clan, that has come to be defined as raking in huge amounts of money through influence-peddling; yet, I have never seen the FBI raid either of these servants of the people. Donald Trump came into office rich and lost money while in government, and he is the one who was raided. It looks like DemocRATS can do no wrong, at least in the eyes of the folks responsible for investigating wrongdoing. 

Monday, August 15, 2022

Always Remain Silent

Seeing how politicized Federal law enforcement has become, how biased it is against Trump supporters, and how it covers for corrupt acts by DemocRATS, I would assert my Fifth Amendment rights and not speak to them if I was on the Right of the political spectrum today in America. If you are known for backing Trump, the FBI and some prosecutors are not going to give you a fair shake. 

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Even Remaining Silent

Even if you do not criticize Islam, there are jihadists who want to murder you. Jerusalem just sustained a mass shooting of folks who likely never said anything negative against Muslims. Several of those wounded are Americans. The jihadist who gunned them down would gladly attack anyone he regards as an "infidel" without regard to their beliefs and in this instance, gravely wounded a pregnant woman. I guess the shooter would have gone after Salman Rushdie had he the chance, but you do not have to oppose Islam to have fanatics target you. 

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Chance of Lifetime

If you speak of Islam, and every part of your speech is not complimentary, you are possibly forfeiting your life. You can curse Christians all you want, call for the death of Jews, criticize Hindus and Buddhists with no consequence, but criticize "the religion of peace" in the slightest and you have to look over your shoulder the rest of your life. 

Friday, August 12, 2022

Make a Deal?

The theocratic regime in Iran that enslaves its own populace and threatens the world appears to be close to cementing a deal with America over its nuclear program. Why would the United States seek or enter into any agreement with fanatics who solicit murder on American soil? The mad mullahs sent assassins after Mike Pompeo and John Bolton and quite probably after President Trump as well. They have certainly encouraged, if not directed this morning's attempt on the life of Salman Rushdie in New York state. Iran was responsible for the deaths of hundreds of American troops in Iraq. The Iranian government does not abide by international norms nor keep its word, so why regard the mad mullah end time state as anything but an enemy? 

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Rules for Me

Hunter Biden has joined his crime clan on South Carolina's tony Kiawah Island. It is not known if he has brought crack with him or if he will have it delivered. Do his Red Chinese handlers include some narcotics for Hunter with his payoffs in cash and jewelry or is he responsible for finding his own drugs? Maybe Hunter has his escorts supply the party favors. 

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Rules for Thee!

Going back to the election of JFK, where criminal acts provided the winning margin (notably in West Virginia and Illinois), DemocRATS have not been held to account for breaking the law. Teddy Kennedy got by with killing a pregnant girl (Mary Jo Kopechne) in 1969. The Clinton administration was rife with illegality. Obama was trafficking guns to Mexican narco gangs to cause such a bloodbath there that Americans would renounce the Second Amendment here. The current ruling cabal stole an election and is persecuting political foes while Hunter Biden served as bag man for his venal father. Donald Trump has committed no discernible offense, yet faces whole cloth smears time after time because he wants to save the country. Honorable men like Donald Trump, Ronald Reagan, and Ted Stevens (the late Alaska GOP Senator) face concocted charges from the party that really is committing crime on a continual basis.  

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

The Fishing Expedition

President Trump is the most persecuted American ever. If prosecutors at any level had any proof of crimes committed by Donald, he would be in prison by now. Trump faced multiple impeachments based on no facts. Yesterday's raid against Trump's property was to find a crime because if there had been any real dirt on Donald, he would have been locked up long ago. Trump must be one of the cleanest people ever because he has faced unprecedented scrutiny including a Special Counsel with millions of dollars for investigations, but those inquisitors have found no crime Donald has ever perpetrated. 

Monday, August 8, 2022

Other Terrorist Groups

Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) is no doubt comprised of murderous fanatics. Unfortunately for the cause of peace, Hamas members are just as bloodthirsty. I would not say the Palestinian Authority is chock full of Schweitzers either. All these organizations want to kill Jews until they are driven from the Middle East (completely off the planet would be ideal for most of these so-called "militants"). I do not understand why Israel's leadership thinks it is acceptable to leave two other genocidal organizations unmolested, when the intention of all three was to slaughter Israelis. 

Sunday, August 7, 2022

No Separate Peace

Israel finds itself in a shooting conflict with Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), which hides behind the civilians in the Gaza Strip. IDF spokespeople are quick to say that this current exchange of fire is NOT targeting Hamas or the Palestinian Authority but specific PIJ members leading and plotting attacks on Jews. This statement is true so far as it goes, but it does not address the fact that Hamas and the Palestinian Authority are also mortal enemies determined to extinguish the Jewish State. PIJ may or may not coordinate with the other terrorist groups, but their aims are identical, even if their tactics vary. Why let certain terror organizations bent on the genocide of Jews off the hook? Why not eliminate the presence of jihadists representing any group plotting the murder of Israelis? 

Saturday, August 6, 2022

You Never Know

When I was a child, we had a condo on the west coast of Florida. There were roofers working on a building there when a sudden storm emerged from the Gulf. Three of the men working lost their lives in the subsequent lightning. I have taken thunderstorms plenty serious since then. 

Friday, August 5, 2022

When Lightning Strikes

What are the odds that when you finally get to see the White House in person, you get hit by a thunderbolt? For four poor folks visiting the District of Columbia it happened, and tragically, an elderly couple in town from Wisconsin has already succumbed to their injuries. Sometimes, it might be better just to stay home, but I have heard you can get struck by lightning there too. 

Thursday, August 4, 2022

The Sensible Substitute

Nuclear energy, at least the way it is produced in the United States, could replace the other ways of creating power we rely on here, but American minds have been poisoned against it by a decades old movie, The China Syndrome (1979). Nuclear power plants in America have a tremendous record of safety, with layers of redundancy unmatched elsewhere. We did have the so-called "Three Mile Island disaster" in the USA but that resulted in no deaths. The Soviet Union had the Chernobyl tragedy that did claim lives, but the Russian built reactor was relatively primitive with few of the safety backups found in other areas of the world. If we built more atomic power stations here, it would reduce reliance on carbon-based fuels and even mitigate the need to switch to solar or wind generation. 

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

No Current Replacement

An economy that would run efficiently on solar panels and windmills would be terrific, but it is just a fantasy at this point. We have enormous demand for petroleum that will not diminish. Cutting off domestic oil production amounts to economic suicide, because the developed world still needs gasoline and diesel to function. Would you not rather it be produced here and mostly safely and efficiently carried through pipelines, rather than shipped across oceans on supertankers that can and have caused monumental environmental disasters? 

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Pelosi Tempts Fate

Is Nancy Pelosi trying to start World War III? What could she hope to accomplish with the Taiwan visit? Does she somehow think her trip will enhance stability? Once a high US official commits to an act, no matter how provocative, America must go through with it or lose all credibility, but what if that action is completely unnecessary and ultimately starts a chain of events leading to the end of humanity? Pelosi has subjected the United States to great risk with no possible reward. 

Monday, August 1, 2022

A Vassal State

Is the United States a vassal state to Red China? Do we bow down to Communists? At this point, do we grab Nancy Pelosi's leash and demand she not go to Taiwan? If we do and Pelosi skips her visit, the Reds have won. 

Sunday, July 31, 2022

The Fairest Tax

How about entirely restructuring taxes in the United States? No more income tax or withholding or estate taxes, but a national sales tax of fifteen percent on every item sold, with a third of the revenue going each to the locality in which the transaction took place, a third to the state, and the remainder to the Federal government. If the majority of Americans feel food and medicine should not be taxed, then exclude those necessities and raise the rate to twenty-one cents of every remaining dollar spent with it divided the same way. Keep tariffs on foreign goods in place and use that collection to bolster national defense. People would obviously lose the ability to deduct a portion of their mortgages and 1031 exchanges would be a thing of the past, but the new method of taxation would be far more fair than the Federal government collecting the massive amounts it does now and then using returning money to states and cities over them to leverage their policies. People could regulate their spending if they wanted to pay less in taxes, giving them more control of their lives and futures. I would say a small percentage at the Federal level could be set aside to pay existing Social Security obligations, with that being phased out entirely over time as people would have better means to save for their own retirements and with investment in stocks no longer taxed, even with profits from sales as capital gains, the pool of investors in US stocks would rise tremendously, as would US stocks. You could continue to tax foreign stock transactions to encourage America's economic resurgence, and in so doing, along with tariffs on goods from abroad, bring the manufacturing economy back home. This plan would be good for everyone except venal politicians, who profit from rent-seekers now, tax attorneys, and accountants.  If implemented, America would be great again soon. Note- if an enemy attacks our nation, the rate of the national consumption tax could be adjusted to fit the need or the Federal government could take ten percent while state and local government could survive on their five, six, or seven percent until the US wins the war. 

Saturday, July 30, 2022

Just Control This

The DemocRATS in the US House of Representatives just passed an "assault weapons" ban with two turncoat Republican accomplices. Can these idiots possibly believe that folks with murder in their hearts will simply surrender their guns? You might as well pass a Camelot Law demanding perfect weather to solve the (phony) climate crisis. Maybe enough Senators will come to their senses to block this outrage, but I would not count on it. 

Friday, July 29, 2022

Opposite of Kosher

I heard that The New York Times published a column that asked if people were ready for cannibalism. This is just more anti-human garbage spewing from the Left. Jonathan Swift wrote about this in A Modest Proposal hundreds of years ago as a satire, but I bet those Manhattan madmen are dead serious about eating their neighbors.

Thursday, July 28, 2022

The Kosher Kid

She tried to give me ham in Amsterdam// But I said,"No thank you mam"// In the Dakotas, when I was a little bit older// They brought out milk with my meat and I had to repeat// "Can't mix that"// I am not Ozzie and I won't eat a bat// Just wouldn't be Kosher// But I would love a slice of that brisket Rabbi Mosher

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Faith in Medicine

My father was medically murdered by Vanderbilt Hospital in 2012. At that point, I lost trust in America's medical industry. I was not therefore shocked or surprised that COVID vaccines were not all that they were promoted to be, and that in fact, they were not as protective as they were billed and ultimately injured and even killed some people. Now, we hear that the basis of Alzheimer's treatment for nearly two decades seems to have been a manipulated study. Is it any wonder the new therapies developed based on this phony model have not helped or saved the patients, but only boosted the profits of the pharmaceutical companies?

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Selling Their Souls

There are plenty of researchers who will tailor the results of their studies to "prove" the point of whoever is paying their grant. The science they uphold is utterly corrupt, and this includes their contentions about man-caused climate change. They are presenting a rationale to advance restrictions on people to advance the interests of their benefactors who wish to impose tyranny.

Monday, July 25, 2022

You Know Right

Joe Biden has sold his office for years. His brother and son Hunter are his bag men. Influence peddling is often a criminal offense. Do you think the Bidens will ever face any real penalties for their venality?

Do No Right

Joe Biden is determined to overturn what President Trump did. Donald Trump is not Satan, and all his actions were not wrong. If anyone is fouling up the United States, I would contend it is Biden and the cabal that installed him as their figurehead and is propping him up. Trump was not perfect, but corrupt old Joe is inflicting a disaster upon our nation.

Sunday, July 24, 2022

An Ascendant Iran

If Iran can commit acts of terrorism around the globe, murder hundreds of Americans in Iraq, and direct Yemen's Houthis to attack Saudi Arabia before the Islamic Republic acquires nuclear weapons, what will it be able to do once it has the Bomb? The world acqiesces now to the mad Mullahs. Can you imagine how much more appeasement will take place under atomic extortion?

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Contempt of Congress

One of my heroes, Steve Bannon, was just convicted of contempt of Congress. Between my Congressman Jim Cooper, a DemocRAT who is so unpopular that he is retiring, and the brilliant Bannon, I take Bannon everytime. Congress has about the same level of approval now as a root canal. Does his conviction diminish the principled populist Bannon? No, in my eyes, it proves he is no turncoat either to the legitimate President Trump or to our nation!

Friday, July 22, 2022

Open Season Invitation

Not long ago, a grocery employee struck America's Mayor, senior citizen, Republican Rudolph Giuliani. The assailant had his charges greatly reduced and Rudy, a former prosecuter himself, was threatened with prosecution for filing a false police report. Yesterday, the GOP candidate for governor of New York Lee Zeldin suffered and attack by an armed man who tried to stab him. For some reason, authorities in the Empire State released the attacker on his own recognizance. I wonder if the policial figures who were attacked had been DemocRATS, if the justice system would have been so lenient?

Thursday, July 21, 2022

World's Climate Crisis

For hundreds of generations, mankind dreamed of being able to live in comfort, in safety, and with ample supplies of food and clean drinking water, all which we in the First World developed the technology to create and produce, and all of which the climate change fanatics are willing to abandon. These zealots are warily or unwarily trying to set humanity back a thousand years. Anyone who adheres to climate change dogma hates human beings and the Lord that created us.

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

A Soft Touch

When a Third Worlder is constantly on the brink of starvation and struggling to survive, America offering a cradle to grave welfare state to anyone who sneaks in will obviously seem like paradise and attract many millions. The problem is the United States has no ability to pay for all the poor of our own, much less the impoverished of the entire globe. Usurper Joe has willingly become Uncle Sucker to the dole dwellers here and opened the Southern border to the parasites of the rest of the world. If you are from someplace else and want to come here, you will soon find we are failing just as much as wherever you are trying to leave.

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Anarchy Is Worse

If ANTIFA and black bloc anarchists held more sway, life in America would be a nightmare. I know police here are not perfect, but I am for more law enforcement, not less, with more training, and the highest professional standards, along with ample opportunity for public scrutiny, because a great police force with great compensation for those risking their lives on our behalf would be proud to have the citizenry look over their shoulders, knowing they have nothing to hide.

Monday, July 18, 2022

Law and Disorder

In several of the horrible mass shootings, police have just waited outside, rather than confronting the killer. In the Walmart massacre in Texas, law enforcement killed the heroic citizen who stopped the actual gunman. I am for law and order because the alternative is chaos and anarchy but realize that in many instances the first responders lack sufficient training or leadership or initiative to deal with what they are forced to confront. We can never expect and will never have perfect policing, but what America has now must be improved for everyone's safety, including the officers themselves.

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Abundant but Broke

Zimbabwe and Venezuela both have massive natural resources, yet because of mismanagement by and corruption of government, the citizens of these countries suffer and even starve. The same mentality that brought down oil-rich Caracas and destroyed the plenty of diamonds in the former Rhodesia is being imposed on America by a cabal that despises the Founding Ethos of our nation. The people of those countries beset with venal leaders have agonized while their dictators feasted. The United States has never experienced this until now, but those around the figurehead Biden never have to worry about their next tank of gas or if their refrigerator is full while everyday Americans who are working or want to work can not afford the fuel it takes to drive to their jobs or the unemployment office. America can't survive as a Venezuela writ large and if we as a nation perish, liberty around the world dies with us.

Saturday, July 16, 2022

The Fire Extinguisher

President Trump, should he decide to run, and plenty of other actually conservative Republican politicians will dampen the fire of inflation when they oust the Biden cabal. They understand that you can never spend your way out of the Biden recession. They know the hole corrupt old Joe dug our nation into will never improve by digging even deeper and will cut Federal expenditures to restore prosperity.

Friday, July 15, 2022

The Nero Regime

If you are a normal working American (or one seeking gainful employment), the Biden cabal hates your guts. They maintain what is efffectively an open Southern border to keep wages for the natives depressed while bragging about the record number of guest workers they are bringing into the country. They are admitting a stream of unvetted foreigners and releasing felons from our jails and prisons (or not even prosecuting the undeniably guilty) who should remain incarcerated all over our nation, while planning to take away our heretofore legally owned firearms and prosecuting us for trying to defend ourselves. The only citizens Biden speaks up for are confused children who want to sexually mutilate themselves, many times over their own parents' objections, and women who want to slaughter their own babies right up to the moment of birth and perhaps a bit after that. The figurehead of this coup is a corrupt dunderhead whose mental faculties have obviously already failed him. If you don't want to see America burn, vote Republican and make sure the votes are accurately counted!

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Chance at All

The DemocRATS may be leaving nothing to chance. They may well be heeding Stalin in the belief that only who counts the votes matters. Suddenly yeaterday, a poll that looks like an outlier appears saying DemocRATS and the GOP are running neck and neck (Siena/New York Times), when logic would dictate in the midst of this national disaster the party of Joe Biden would be smashed in November. This type of report may well be preparing the way for the upcoming steal. It remains to be seen if the People will tolerate it.

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Chance of Winning

I have filled out shopper's surveys for more than three decades in the hopes of winning the sweepstakes or shopping spree associated with the contests. Over the course of time, I participated in many thousands of them and have won exactly nothing. I think there is a greater chance of the United States being locked down again for our "health" than me ever being selected for that prize drawing. In fact, to retain Congress, the DemocRATS stand a good chance of using a pandemic emergency to hold onto power, likely a reported surge in the virus or some other highly transmissable disease that stops in-person voting just before November with all the ballots having to be delivered and collected through the mail. I wonder how often millions of votes need to be stolen before the People decide they must employ other means to take back Freedom.

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

The Right Thing

Revolution is NOT inevitable. If politicians do what is right for their citizenry, even at this late moment, civil unrest could be staved off. People are not crying out for additional vaccines, masking, or lock downs, but demanding freedom. We can have peace on the streets if governments listen to the people.

Monday, July 11, 2022

Time of Revolution

The last time I can remember the world so broadly unstable was 1968. In particular areas, there has certainly been more upheaval since then, particularly the Arab Spring, but that was a largely localized phenomenon. What we are seeing now is worldwide with street demonstrations from Europe to Asia to Canada. We have just witnessed an assassination in Japan similar to the horrors that befell Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy back in the turbulent days of '68.

Sunday, July 10, 2022

The International Insurrection

From the Netherlands to Sri Lanka, the people are rising up. This is not the Marxist dream come to life (nightmare), but common folk standing up against the imposition of socialist tyranny being imposed on them in the name of the Environment and in other places, against raw corruption. Who knows how this will end, as too often uprisings in the name of Freedom ultimately deliver the opposite?

Saturday, July 9, 2022

Write Right Now

Folks are bloviating about gun control. They do not realize that those they really have to fear now are the same ones who will NEVER abide by firearms regulations. If someone is bent on robbing you with a pistol and willing to kill you if you resist or just don't comply fast enough, do you think they will turn in their weapons when a new law is passed requiring them to do so?

Friday, July 8, 2022

The Gut Feeling

Possession of guns is essentially banned to Japanese citizens, but that did not stop a Japanese forty-one year old from gunning down the former prime minister. People who eschew logic, but operate solely on emotion, witness mass casualty events and their knee-jerk reaction is to demand a ban on firearms. These same folks saw the Nice, France truck attack in 2016 that killed eighty-six, but did not say that we must forbid the use of motor vehicles. Those advocating overturning the Second Amendment to the US Constitution have no consistency and little sense.

Thursday, July 7, 2022

Just Use Logic

Do gun control laws work? There are stringent firearm restrictions in Illinois already, but that did not stop the Highland Park massacre. Murder is illegal too, but sadly folks are murdered every day. There are four hundred plus million guns in private hands in America today, so I suspect people with evil intentions will always find whatever weapon they need to carry out their deadly plans. The best hope of stopping them might be a good guy in the vicinity with a gun of his/her own and the ability to use it.

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Stop Mass Murder?

Unless you ban motorized vehicles, you will not stop multiple people being murdered in a single event. Around three thousand folks were deliberately killed by airplanes on September 11, 2001. Eighty folks were slaughtered by a jihadist driving a truck through a crowd in France. People in Israel sadly are run over by terrorists with some frequency. It is not the means of violence that need to be regulated, but the mentality of murder that authorities must seek to alter. From when Cain slew Abel, human beings have held life as less than precious, and until men change their hearts, it does not matter if guns are banned, cars are taken away, or any other measure taken to curb violence. It will not work. People will eliminate each other with whatever means at hand, including bats, tree limbs, stones, knives, and their bare hands.

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Trump Supporter Shooter?

I saw an NBC report indicating the Chicago-area gunman had a couple of profile photos with Trump paraphernalia including one where he wrapped himself in a Trump flag. I think the shooter was a lunatic, whose political affiliations are irrelevant. Trump certainly would never condone and does not gain a thing from someone shooting up a Fourth of July parade. Even if the maniac declares he did it in some way to honor the Donald that does not transfer responsibility to Trump in the slightest.

Monday, July 4, 2022

Not Bargained For

When our forefathers threw off the English monarchy, they never could have guessed that an internationalist cabal would install a dementia patient as the leader of the nation they were creating. If they had seen corrupt and fading Joe Biden coming, they might have stuck with King George!

Sunday, July 3, 2022

Need More Volunteers

It looks like the Ukraine may not be able to resist Putin after all. More and more territory is falling into Russia's hands and that of its proxies. All you folks with the Ukrainian flags on your social media profiles and especially in your yards ought to go join up. The Ukrainians will give you a gun and a few minutes of training and let you at those wicked Russkies.

Saturday, July 2, 2022

New Welcome Signs

Some of the Leftist states can now put up highway signs emblazoned with "Abortion Next Hundred Miles". They can put ads online proclaiming you "can kill your baby right up until birth". Some of the really progressive locales may let you slaughter your newborn a few days in, kind of like sending back your pizza because the crust is not done to your liking, except doing this will ultimately send you someplace hotter than a pizza oven.

Friday, July 1, 2022

Admitting It Now

It all started for me back when the now departed Ernest "Fritz" Hollings bellowed in his Southern, stentorian way that there was "just too much consuming" going on around here. That old-time DemocRAT wanted Americans punished for and limited in their prosperity. He certainly was not the first, but was early in annunciating it out loud for the public to hear. DemocRATS have probably largely agreed with the underlying sentiment since at least the days of FDR, if not back to Wilson. The current crop and the cabal they have mismanaging the country is overt in declaring their socialist intentions, but use excuses like COVID and Putin to justify their economy-crippling actions. It is not a plausible rationale to harm one's own nation and people to fight a virus or thwart aggression thousands of miles from the Homeland, while more folks than ever are catching COVID and death tolls just keep rising. Putin seems to be getting richer while Americans endure higher prices on everything. Perhaps, the DemocRATS should start lying again and at least pretend they still favor the "little guy" over their billionaire donors and corporate and even foreign chronies.