Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Rules for Thee!

Going back to the election of JFK, where criminal acts provided the winning margin (notably in West Virginia and Illinois), DemocRATS have not been held to account for breaking the law. Teddy Kennedy got by with killing a pregnant girl (Mary Jo Kopechne) in 1969. The Clinton administration was rife with illegality. Obama was trafficking guns to Mexican narco gangs to cause such a bloodbath there that Americans would renounce the Second Amendment here. The current ruling cabal stole an election and is persecuting political foes while Hunter Biden served as bag man for his venal father. Donald Trump has committed no discernible offense, yet faces whole cloth smears time after time because he wants to save the country. Honorable men like Donald Trump, Ronald Reagan, and Ted Stevens (the late Alaska GOP Senator) face concocted charges from the party that really is committing crime on a continual basis.  

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