Friday, June 30, 2023

Putin Pension Plan

The dictator of Russia has amassed billions. His underlings, no matter how loyal, tend to end up dead. If they follow Vlad's commands in the war, Ukrainians kill them, but if they don't Putin makes sure they disappear (or maybe get tossed out a window). It is more dangerous to be on Putin's side in many cases than against him. 

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Russian Job Security

Putin has gone through a lot of generals. One way of terminating their command is ordering them to physically lead combat operations, a virtual guarantee of a rapid demise during the Russian aggression against Ukraine. Another method to rid oneself of nonperforming generals for Putin might be to stage a phony coup to reveal who is loyal and who is less so, and then the leaders Putin finds less faithful may never be heard from again. One fact is glaring- you will never hear a Putin general ask about his pension because they do not live long enough during the Ukraine war to ever collect it- unless I suppose they defect to the Ukraine and the West. 

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Not Just Biden

It is becoming undeniable that the Biden family is corrupt from the top down, because without Joe, they have nothing to sell. It is not only the Bidens though. Look at how the Clintons ran a foundation that primarily benefited themselves and then how Hillary (with the cooperation of Obama) orchestrated the Russia hoax against Trump. The top of the DemocRAT Party is rotten and has been through their last several Presidencies. 

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Byzantine and Machiavellian

The leaders of Russia in all its incarnations have never been easy to read. Some like Stalin were easier to decipher than others. Papa Joe murdered his way up the ranks, then slaughtered to retain his power, but even he was not merely a "blunt instrument", but a more complex scheming destroyer. Just look at how he formed an alliance with Hitler to divide Poland, before an even more devious snake turned on him. Putin is no Stalin (at least not yet) but is a paranoiac himself and seeming deluded into thinking he can be a Czar of this century. What Putin has done and is doing is unpredictable and dangerous. What may have just been done to him by rebelling Wagner mercenaries was not on everyone's map. Many mothers of Russian conscripts wish the revolt ha been sustained and successful, because removing Putin might well be the best way to save the sons of Russia. Only the Lord knows what the future holds for the long-suffering Russians. 

Monday, June 26, 2023

Putin's Magic Trick

Did little Vlad pull a rabbit out of his hat? Was Putin's power or even his survival ever really in doubt? Putin may not be invincible, but he has demonstrated again that he is difficult to pin down. I think his failing health will end his rule of Russia before an opponent does. 

Sunday, June 25, 2023

End of Rebellion

It seems the so-called "insurrection" against Putin may be over essentially before it started. A stillborn civil war seems to have been the flash in the pan that changes nothing for Russia or the Ukraine. 

Saturday, June 24, 2023

End of Putin?

If Putin somehow is removed from power, it might benefit the world. Peace could return to the Ukraine. The people of Russia might end up more free. The situation is unsettled now, to say the least, but little Vlad is definitely in the greatest jeopardy he has faced. 

Friday, June 23, 2023

Trapped the Hunter

Hunter Biden attended law school and passed the bar. He does not seem all that bright for a lawyer. Hunter seems to have left a trail of corruption a blind man could follow that leads right up to the "Big Guy", his father Joe Biden. We will see if any consequence comes with all the guilt. but much of that depends on a media just as dirty as the Biden crime family. 

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Celebrating the Toast

It is the simple pleasures that make life worth living. Since I was a child, I have been delighted with seeing the two (or four) slices mystically pop up when ready, gladly willing to sacrifice themselves to relieve my morning hunger. The versatility is breathtaking, from the dry wheat toast Aunt Retti was eating as part of the macrobiotic diet she was on trying to survive cancer, to my beloved cinnamon toast, to the decadent toast with crema and exotic jellies I sampled on my honeymoon in Cabo,  it is enjoyed so many ways in so many places. On the right occasion, we might even offer a toast to toast. 

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

The Durham Hearing

The one certainty watching the House question the Special Counsel is that the DemocRATS are not interested in justice but only winning political points. For them. retaining, then expanding their power is the end all and be all. The GOP mostly seems interested in facts and revealing the truth about Trump, while the DemocRATS only want to cover their corruption up and destroy Donald Trump. 

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

This Is Justice?

As Donald Trump is crucified, Joe Biden's bag man son Hunter Biden will plead guilty to minor charges and face no jail time. The difference being Trump is absolutely innocent while the Biden family reeks with corruption, perversion, addiction, and Hunter's proclivity of filming himself with trafficked women. This process is not justice but a stain on it. 

Monday, June 19, 2023

Looking for Unity

In the supposedly "United" States, why do we have national holidays that seem to have been instituted to divide the country by race? When will our masters in Washington force some holiday on us for some Latino that most Hispanics have never even heard of, to further polarize the nation? Why do this except to separate folks and tear our country apart? 

Nation or People?

Many politicians claim they champion citizens and working people. Some say they are "defenders" of the country. If their actions hurt the folks, they are not champions. Biden is for the Bidens and unions. Corrupt old Joe does not give a jot about most Americans. You are not protecting our nation unless you insist on enforcing our borders. Nor are you keeping America safe by leaving billions of dollars of military equipment in Afghanistan as we flee in disgrace, or give the Ukraine billions of dollars more we need to keep the United States secure. Those running our country now are bent on weakening the USA and are doing substantive harm to the citizenry. 

Sunday, June 18, 2023

The "Loyal" Opposition

In the United Kingdom, the major party out of power always formed the "loyal" opposition, not meaning they held fealty to the party in control of Parliament, but rather that though out of power, they remained loyal to king (queen) and country. This is markedly different from a "controlled opposition" which we now see almost everywhere around the world where democracy in some form is reputedly practiced. The United States except under Trump is a fine example. Just look at the election efforts by the GOP against Obama. John McCain could not credibly challenge Barry over Tony Rezko because then Hussein Obama would have brought up the Keating Five. Then the Republicans trotted out Romney, who had introduced the precursor to Obama Care, Romney Care in Massachusetts, making Mitt the one major Republican uniquely unqualified to hold Obama's feet to the fire over his lousy healthcare plan. Parties that want to win nominate winners and fight hard on important issues. They do not find the least electable empty suit and make him their nominee. They do not compromise with (fold to) those destroying the country, so that they rarely triumph in elections, and on the rare occasion they do, they accomplish nothing, but still serve only to advance the agenda of DemocRATS. The uniparty is the ruling party imposing their will and then throwing an occasional crumb to the party out of power, so it looks to the voters that there are still two parties with a vigorous democracy in force, when unless a maverick like Trump takes over, then there really is looming totalitarianism with one party that is opposed by most voters holding all the cards. 

Saturday, June 17, 2023

What Trump Wants

Donald Trump wants a color-blind, capitalist meritocracy where every American is not guaranteed great wealth, but is assured of the fair chance to earn it. He wants bureaucracy limited and freedom expanded. Trump wants folks to enjoy liberty and prosperity never even imagined before, and he is just the leader to deliver it. 

Friday, June 16, 2023

What Biden Wants

Joe has to remain in power to be able to pardon his corrupt family members. The Trumps are real business people who created real jobs and prosperity in the private sector. The Bidens are guilty grifters. They can't let the innocent Trump off the mat, or it is Biden family members who will end up in prison. 

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Show Some Respect!

You know exactly where America stands when a Pride Flag takes the central place outside the White House with American flags on each side, demonstrating the superior position in the Biden regime of the Alphabet agenda. We must now bow down not just to our government overlords but to the most perverse people who are actively grooming children. If we do not accept this, a grave next to Ashli Babbitt is waiting. Just remember who your new masters are! 

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Flag Day President

The best President of recent times, perhaps ever, happens to share his birthday with the celebration of Old Glory. Yes, Donald Trump was born on Flag Day, a super patriot born on a grand day. Let us celebrate them together. My birthday wish for Donald is "four more years" back in the White House to save our country. 

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Exercise in Futility

Those forcing the hand of the Ukrainians to launch an offensive may well be leading Kyiv to destruction. A win for the Ukraine would have been not to allow Russian victory. Nobody in their right mind should think the forces of Zelenskyy can evict the forces of Putin by means of exertion of military might. It is too uneven an equation. A victory over the aggressor should be considered holding substantial portions of Ukraine. This attack to liberate what Russia has captured is foolhardy. It stretches Kyiv's forces thin, exposes the most battle-tested troops unnecessarily, expends men and machines, and is doomed from the start. If the offensive gained any momentum, Putin would simply resort to employing tactical nuclear weapons to reverse Ukraine's advance. Why not permit Zelenskyy to take the win and declare that "despite all that Russia threw at us, we are still a free nation!"?

Monday, June 12, 2023

Backs Against Wall

Those who are against America as it was founded feel they have secured a great victory with the charges being lodged against Donald Trump. They believe that Trump is the final obstacle that must be removed to transform the United States into something un-American. They are wrong though because they do not understand the numbers. Those in this nation that are truly Pol Pot, Mao Tse Tung, or Papa Joe Stalin-style  Marxists remains infinitesimally small. It just happens that they run the cabal with their filthy hands on the levers of power with their empty-suit, fully compromised, and fading half-wit Joe Biden as their figurehead. They do not outnumber decent, patriotic folks, who are bound to wake up to what is being done to them, their children and grandchildren, and our country. When that giant is roused, I would hate to be among the minority that has been stealing our Republic. 

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Egypt's True Face

If Anwar Sadat had not been murdered, it is possible that at some point, Egypt would have embraced a "warm peace" with Israel, incorporating neighborly relations that would have benefited each side. With Sadat's assassination, that peace became a cold one. The Jewish State recently had three defenders of the shared border murdered by an Egyptian border policeman, who some would say had "gone rogue". I would not necessarily characterize the killings as an act against the will of Egypt's government, which is as rife with Jew hate as it ever was under Nasser or the Muslim Brotherhood during their brief takeover. They issue statements that sound like Egypt's current leadership really seeks peace, but what they really yearn for no matter what accords previous governments signed, is a Middle East without the Zionist Entity. 

Saturday, June 10, 2023

Measuring the Swamp

The elite that control Washington want to control you. They want your gas stove, your gas heater, and your gun. They do not care about your family and certainly not about you. To them, you are no more than a serf, and may well be less, indeed you may be at the same level or less than the flatulent cow, who they want to eliminate too. At least the cow has not committed the crime of being a "useless eater", that is reserved for people, who are not even an apt resource to produce milk or meat, at least until our masters no longer demand we eat the bugs and instruct the populace to begin eating each other. Trump needs to be removed from the scene because he is against the so-called "elite" determining your destiny. 

Friday, June 9, 2023

Travesty and Tragedy

What is being inflicted on Donald Trump is a travesty. It is unjust persecution. What this will do to America is a tragedy. It is the sort of political reprisal that they experience under color of law in Third World countries. The Clintons reek of criminality and the Biden stink is just as awful, while Trump, the honest man, is the one under indictment. Patriots can only witness so much injustice before they feel compelled to react. God help America if real justice is not soon restored. 

Thursday, June 8, 2023

The Jersey Rules

We have a regime that does not rule like an American administration but like the mafia in New Jersey. Members of Congress have said they "fear for the life" of the whistleblower. Does that sound like something that would have been said credibly of the Trump administration? The Biden family can't pawn off their corruption on Hunter, who had nothing to trade without his father being receptive. If Joe was not offering his influence then nobody would pay the then drug-addled son, whose services would have been worthless. The Biden clan like the Clintons before them were running their affairs like a criminal conspiracy. 

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Gives a Dam

Why would the Russians blow up a pipeline that brought Russia tremendous revenue? Why would they destroy a dam that serves an area largely populated by ethnic Russians in a region dominated by Russia for years? These actions if undertaken by Putin would be irrational and damage his own strategic interests. I am not saying it is impossible that Russia is the culprit behind these attacks, only that Russia committing these acts is extremely unlikely. 

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Rules of Game

If Israel is attacked and defends itself, it is wrong. If the Jewish State builds a wall to prevent attacks against it, the Jewish State is wrong. If a Jew builds in the ancient homeland of his people, he is wrong. If a Jew stays in a country where his people have resided for generations, he remains an outsider, an interloper who should go back to Israel, and he is wrong. If he heeds the advice of those who do not want him in their country distant from the Holy Land and returns to the soil of his ancestors, he becomes a colonizer, and he is wrong. If a Jew has everything stripped from him and is weak and dependent, he is a parasite and he is wrong. If a Jew against all the obstacles thrown his way makes a success of himself, he is part of a wealthy and powerful conspiracy that dominates events and controls the world, and he is wrong. Please take note that Jews are wrong in every event and all circumstances. 

Monday, June 5, 2023

What Mean Borders

Viktor Orban's Hungary actually maintains its border. It does not admit an unending stream of migrants to cut the wages of the natives. Hungary has little problem with street crime with so few unwanted foreigners coming in to culturally enrich. Narcotics are reportedly hard to find and costly with little smuggling accomplished under the tight border controls Orban instituted. The world would be a better place if more nations followed Hungary's lead. 

Sunday, June 4, 2023

What Borders Mean

The borders of Israel are important enough to the citizens of that country that three Israelis in the flower of their youth just laid down their lives defending them. Those living in the Jewish State are painfully aware that for them secure boundaries are an existential matter for the nation itself. Perhaps, America will start to recognize that borders are important to the United States as well. 

Saturday, June 3, 2023

A Tad Reckless

The annual cost of the debt service on the US National Debt exceeds the annual budgets during the Nixon administration. Yes, that is right- the cost of the interest payments on the debt are now more than it cost Nixon to fund the Federal governance and defense of the nation. This expense is not buying Americans a thing- only satisfying our creditors. Now add to that having to pay for millions of illegal aliens, many of whom if allowed to stay will inevitably become a public charge. How can any country sustain this? 

Friday, June 2, 2023

Save a Penny

The next major DemocRAT proposal to reduce the debt and repair the United States economy will soon emerge. The new strategy is to reduce one cent in spending for every trillion dollars Congress spends. DemocRAT leaders realize this will be hard, nigh on impossible, but vow to hold this line. 

Thursday, June 1, 2023

The Truth Squad

One bright spot, depending on your perspective of course, is that the legacy media has now elevated their credibility where it stands on a par with the trust the People have in the politicians. On the not so shining side, we have the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation that are now held in the same esteem by most folks as the dinosaur press. Diogenes would not find many honest men today in Washington or in the newsrooms that cover it.