Saturday, December 31, 2022

Wolves Watching Flock

The DemocRAT leadership and establishment Republicans in Washington consider you the enemy. Donald Trump really was our shield. Trump could not be bought or blackmailed, so he had to be removed. Joe and the Biden clan are compromised by America's enemies, and it looks like Biden is doing the bidding of those who wish America the worst. 

Friday, December 30, 2022

If Nobody Cares

Some woman I never heard of and could not care less about was complimenting her own good judgement for moving from New York to Florida this morning on FOX News. She said she "famously" departed for the Southern bastion of freedom. "Famously" was the real stretch as I doubt anybody not at her breakfast table this morning even knew who she was. 

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Had His Kicks

One of the giants of sport has passed from this mortal coil. He was not a literal giant like Wilt Chamberlain or Bill Russell, but what Pele could do on the soccer pitch could never be eclipsed. He did things to a ball with his feet that few athletes could match using their hands. Pele will never be forgotten. 

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Grim New Year

With an America-hating Marxist cabal running our nation, and many in the so-called "opposition party" willing to go along, the United States will be lucky not to fall into an economic depression in 2023. The head of the regime and his close minions really want to keep poking the bear in 2023 by coming for the heretofore legal guns of American citizens. The coming year has all the ingredients for a catastrophe in the making, even before thoughts of World War with Russia, Red China, Iran, and/or North Korea. I hope I am alive and free enough to publish my thoughts in 2024. 

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

The Murderous Physicians

Doctors who promote or even accept "futile care policy" are dangerous to their patients. Medicos who demanded their clients take MRNA COVID vaccines or be refused treatment were abandoning their Hippocratic Oath and compromising the health of those they were supposed to serve. Hospitalists, who unlike your family doctor who used to make hospital rounds and had at least some vested interest in your survival, are largely bean counters looking for reasons to deny particular types of care and usher sick people out the door too soon, so that they no longer have any "well-days". Those who encourage hospice care are by definition giving up on potentially life-saving treatments. Did you know many physicians now routinely deny nutrition and even hydration to the sickest patients solely to ensure that they die more quickly? Would you knowingly go to a caregiver who has no interest in sustaining your life? 

Monday, December 26, 2022

And Paid For

What would happen if many elected leaders in the United States are compromised by America's enemies? Just look what is going in our nation today and you will have a pretty good idea. Biden, the DemocRAT and McConnell, his alleged opponent swill from the same trough, and they are just the tip of a rotten iceberg. 

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Want for Christmas

All I desire this year is for America to return to the land of freedom and opportunity it was when I was a boy. I pray my child has the same unbridled prospects that liberty afforded me. 

Saturday, December 24, 2022

As I Recall

I started high school at the most progressive educational institution in Nashville, Tennessee way back in he early 1980s. I remember the University School students were admonished at the assembly one day a few weeks before the winter school break that they should not wish folks around campus a "merry Christmas" as there were many Jewish classmates and others who did not celebrate that holiday. I am Jewish, but hearing that never offended me, and I made it a point after that to extend that salutation at every opportunity. Merry Christmas to one and all! 

Friday, December 23, 2022

Survive the Storm

"The bomb cyclone" blew the living daylights out of the Continental United States. We are in many places colder than Alaska, and Mom heard that the Midwest was colder than Mars. Unless you absolutely have to leave, stay in and try to keep warm. 

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Many Bad Actors

Iran, Syria, North Korea, Red China, Russia, Cuba, and Venezuela are all terrible places led by power-mad dictators. Lebanon is controlled by Shiite terrorists and Iraq is being absorbed by Iranian proxies, with Yemen fighting not to be devoured by similar Shiite fanatics as well. Libya is essentially a failed state and plenty of other African countries are failing as well. What is alarming is that much of the maladministration and malfeasance that we see in the aforementioned places, we are now witnessing in the United States as well. 

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Purely Defensive System

I am no great fan of the corrupt nation of Ukraine, but I must say they did not attack Russia. Putin launched a war of aggression against a peaceful neighbor. Moscow and its apologists are shouting that the United States providing Patriot missiles to Kyiv is a provocative "escalation". These weapons are not ground to ground missiles, but ground to air, meant only to protect from incoming air assaults by Russia. A Patriot can't destroy an apartment block or factory within Russia. At this point, we must figure every statement emerging from the aggressor country is self-serving propaganda and dismiss it for what it is. 

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Open for Business?

The US Chamber of Commerce likes the open border because it means cheap labor. Patriots and merely sane folks see the downside of the sieve at the southern edge of our formerly great nation. You want plentiful fentanyl and other illegal narcotics, let just about everyone across the border, because there is no way to know what literally thousands are carrying. You want gang members and even cartel thugs in your city, let most who seek entry make it in largely or even entirely unvetted. You want diseases you do not even see in the First World in your local emergency room, tell foreigners to "come ahead, we welcome you!" Undercutting the prevailing American wage may benefit some skinflint employers, but it is definitely destroying America. 

Monday, December 19, 2022

Not Obscure Sport

Some Americans doubt the significance of soccer. It is a matter of opinion as to whether you like a particular sport, but four billion or so folks just watched the World Cup. That is vastly more than watch the Super Bowl, the World Series, and the NBA Championship combined. Soccer is the most viewed of them all. You do not have to tune in but around the globe around half of us did. 

Sunday, December 18, 2022

World's Greatest Match

Argentina and France put on a show for the ages. Lionel Messi has cemented his place as the greatest ever. Kylian Mbappe has earned the title best player in this World Cup and is young enough to someday perhaps eclipse Messi. Two giants stood toe to toe with no backdown and no quit and did not disappoint anyone. It is a shame one side had to lose. Bravo Argentina, you well deserve to hold the crown. 

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Elon for Liberty

Maybe because he is from South Africa and saw what a society that was not free did to people, Elon Musk seems to be one of the great champions of freedom. Musk also seems to revere truth and abhor lies. Clearly, he is NOT afraid of the powerful in governments, media, or technology. He is precisely what the world needs in this time of mass deception and totalitarian overreach. 

Friday, December 16, 2022

Who Killed Kennedy?

Will the average American ever know the facts of the JFK assassination? Probably not because revealing the machinations involved would expose too many powerful institutions to too much scrutiny. 

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Counting Argentina Out?

Argentina is decidedly NOT Morocco. They are soccer royalty and not just lucky to have made it to the final to face France. The French are no doubt elite but not invincible. Argentina is one of the few squads in the world that can match the speed and ball control of the French side. The Argentine players are mostly smaller but not weaklings and back down to nobody. It will be a fascinating match with the chance to be a classic. My prediction is Argentina will shock the world with a two to one upset. 

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Let's Go France

Typically, I only think of France in the context of surrender, but today, I am focusing on soccer. I do not believe the French side will raise the white flag to Morocco but actually triumph over the overmatched African team. 

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

A Lowe's Moment

I went to a hardware superstore that is part of a huge national chain to try to match some unusual lightbulbs. I was able to find an employee rather quickly, who told me the lighting products were in Aisle 10. I could not locate the second of the rare bulbs I was seeking, so I asked the lady monitoring self-check if she could find me some help and she indeed requested it over the intercom. There were Lowe's associates all over the place with their snazzy little red "customer service" vests on, but none came to assist me. The store was surfeit with Lowe's people, and I stopped one of the "customer service" pros to help me find a product to spend money at this location. He said he was "too busy"  because "corporate people" were there. If you are too busy to help a customer, maybe you do not need to be in business. 

Monday, December 12, 2022

According to Form

One of our dogs (the largest Sage) gobbled up a little animal yesterday. I do not know if our boy actually killed anything, or if he was only cleaning up after the fox, cat, or coyotes that prowl our yard or the hawks or owls that soar over looking for their next meal. My eighty year old mother was furious at the dog and me. Sage was leashed up but when he goes into the heavy underbrush, I am unable to follow and must relinquish his leash. I did not hear any struggle, so I think he was just cleaning up some carrion. In any event, dogs will be dogs. It is only natural. 

Sunday, December 11, 2022

A Vibrant Mosaic

I am NOT opposed to legal and ordered immigration. I am against illegal aliens coming in unvetted and bringing contraband and disease. Also, I recognize the fact that the more folks who come here willing to work for less than native workers and taking jobs that would otherwise go to Americans, the greater hardship for citizens. America has been a "Melting Pot", but we do not want our wages melting down to nothing because so many sneak across to thrive off our dole or almost as bad, willing to provide cheap labor and undercutting what those who have been here for ages are paid. 

Saturday, December 10, 2022

The Next Way

"Populism" has been a dirty word among the elite, the intelligentsia, and most opinion shapers. I think capitalism (particularly the crony variety) leaves a bad taste with little concern for the many and huge swathes left behind while a handful prosper immeasurably. Statism produces indigestion and paves a path for fascism. I think the populist agenda offered by Trump was a net positive because the other ISMS meant pain for the vast majority of native-born Americans. Capitalism too often calls for open borders for a steady supply of cheap foreign labor being admitted. The loose border necessitated by the need to drive wages down causes drugs, disease, and too often dependency on state aid, when the low-skilled allowed across realize they were brought here to be exploited and instead turn the tables and grab the massive benefits offered by the State. Ah yes, the State and its unchecked power that even when it appears benevolent is making you dependent upon it for your very survival. Folks do not want to be bound to the company store or the government dole. They want the even chance that populism promises. 

Friday, December 9, 2022

Doctrine of Preemption

The mad mullahs that enslave the Iranian people may soon find out what Israel's enemies did with the Six Day War, that Jews will no longer wait until we are being slaughtered to respond with force. The stakes are simply too high to subject Tel Aviv and one million Israelis to a nuclear first strike launched by the ayatollahs. The Islamic Republic may only be days away from an atomic breakout with the means to deliver the world's most deadly weapons, but the Jewish State will not sit back to receive the blow. There are no saner minds or moderate mullahs to prevail in Tehran, but Israel is not a throng of women to be shot down in the street for removing their veils but a nation with destructive capabilities few countries possess. It would be absolutely appropriate to save the world's lone Jewish State by declawing the globe's leading sponsor of terror.    `

Thursday, December 8, 2022

The Day Before

Maintaining a strong defense is essential after a surprise attack but providing deterrence beforehand may have prevented the attack on Pearl Harbor from ever happening. The day after a massacre is in many ways too late because so many are gone needlessly. It is the time prior to the ambush that intelligence must prepare and warn that the enemy thrust is coming. 

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Remember Pearl Harbor

If you see a bunch of Japanese bombers flying over, you might want to sound "battle stations". Sometimes, the cat jumps, even when you are negotiating. You might not be able to trust your potential peace partner. I pray there is never another "Day of Infamy" like December 7 or September 11. 

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Trump Hate Fest

Where are Republican leaders amplifying the Musk Twitter revelations? Almost no major GOP leaders are pointing out the Constitutional violations by the Federal Bureau of Investigation in promoting censorship during the 2020 campaign. Plenty of Republicans are condemning Trump for suggesting an extra-Constitutional remedy to the harm the stolen election is doing our nation but few are actually pointing out the magnitude of the crime visited on the world with the theft of the US Presidency. High-ranking Republicans are quick to criticize Trump but rarely defend him. The GOP at the highest levels despise Trump and his supporters as much as the DemocRATS. 

Monday, December 5, 2022

The Largest Conspiracy

The cabal did not move heaven and earth just to steal the Presidency. Those pulling Biden's strings are not merely opponents of Donald Trump but enemies of human freedom. Their objective was not simply to install a senile puppet but to use that figurehead to destroy liberty across the globe. 

Sunday, December 4, 2022

Nest of Judases

The Federal Bureau of Investigations is supposed to protect the rights of Americans and uphold the Constitution, including the First Amendment free speech protections. They are not supposed to be plotting with DemocRATS, notably the Biden campaign, to suppress the Hunter Biden story and advance censorship across social media, now documented by new owner Elon Musk, who has highlighted what was done on Twitter before the 2020 vote. This agency is no longer performing a law enforcement function but serving as the secret police of the Left. 

Saturday, December 3, 2022

The Wall Collapsing

With Elon Musk's revelations emerging, we see Twitter actively engaged in election manipulation at the behest of the DemocRATS. Many of us saw this for ourselves in real time as it was happening, and now it has been confirmed at the highest levels under the company's new ownership. We heard the denials since before the 2020 election, but it is now undeniable that the playing field was tilted solidly Left and that the same tactics were just employed by Twitter in Brazil before the recent vote there. 

Friday, December 2, 2022

Our Fallen Savior

Joe Biden took credit for preventing a railroad strike today. Oddly, he had said he had averted the same labor action before the recent election as well. I guess we can call this the "Second Coming". Biden has so little that he has accomplished that he crows multiple times on the rare occasion that anything of value actually happens. 

Thursday, December 1, 2022

Negating Women Altogether

Apparently, this is the anniversary of Title IV opening more athletic opportunities for female competitors. Only a moron would not recognize that if you have a male who is mediocre at whatever college sport, because of inherent superior strength imbued by male genes, if he calls himself "she" and decides to defeat the distaff contingent, he will dominate girls trying to compete and that will end up denying then championships and even athletic scholarships. This is not a level playing field but inherently discriminatory against anyone actually born female.