Tuesday, December 27, 2022

The Murderous Physicians

Doctors who promote or even accept "futile care policy" are dangerous to their patients. Medicos who demanded their clients take MRNA COVID vaccines or be refused treatment were abandoning their Hippocratic Oath and compromising the health of those they were supposed to serve. Hospitalists, who unlike your family doctor who used to make hospital rounds and had at least some vested interest in your survival, are largely bean counters looking for reasons to deny particular types of care and usher sick people out the door too soon, so that they no longer have any "well-days". Those who encourage hospice care are by definition giving up on potentially life-saving treatments. Did you know many physicians now routinely deny nutrition and even hydration to the sickest patients solely to ensure that they die more quickly? Would you knowingly go to a caregiver who has no interest in sustaining your life? 

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