Saturday, December 10, 2022

The Next Way

"Populism" has been a dirty word among the elite, the intelligentsia, and most opinion shapers. I think capitalism (particularly the crony variety) leaves a bad taste with little concern for the many and huge swathes left behind while a handful prosper immeasurably. Statism produces indigestion and paves a path for fascism. I think the populist agenda offered by Trump was a net positive because the other ISMS meant pain for the vast majority of native-born Americans. Capitalism too often calls for open borders for a steady supply of cheap foreign labor being admitted. The loose border necessitated by the need to drive wages down causes drugs, disease, and too often dependency on state aid, when the low-skilled allowed across realize they were brought here to be exploited and instead turn the tables and grab the massive benefits offered by the State. Ah yes, the State and its unchecked power that even when it appears benevolent is making you dependent upon it for your very survival. Folks do not want to be bound to the company store or the government dole. They want the even chance that populism promises. 

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