Tuesday, February 28, 2023

What About Lincoln?

I have always believed that slavery in America would have ended without the Civil War and in fairly short order, just as it did in Brazil two decades later (1888) without all the slaughter. Hundreds of thousands of Americans were killed unnecessarily. Abe Lincoln wanted the war and the bloodletting. He suspended the Constitution to quash dissent. Lincoln is revered by many but not by me. 

Monday, February 27, 2023

The Grey World

Some folks limit themselves by only understanding issues in black and white and not being able to negotiate moral ambiguity. There are often world events that are nuanced. If you can't navigate when confronted by the "grey area", you will find it hard to cope with life. Plenty has been done wrong by America in the course of history. This fact does not make the United States an evil nation, but only reflect a work in progress with that advancement being carried out by humans who are inherently flawed and inevitably make mistakes. If George Washington was a leader born in the Twentieth Century and in power now, he would abhor slavery, just as US Presidents have since the election of 1860 (Abe Lincoln emerging victorious and ultimately ending the wicked institution), but the first American President was a man of his times (the seventeen hundreds) with no thought that what most of the world was participating in during his lifetime was bad. 

Sunday, February 26, 2023

What I Know

If an event like the East Palestine, Ohio train disaster heaven-forbid ever happens near my hometown of Nashville, Tennessee, fellow American would no doubt rally to our aid. Very few citizens are particularly concerned with events in the Ukraine. Almost no American is demanding we send billions more dollars to the Ukraine, and there is no hue and cry in the United States to send our forces over to intervene except among certain elite warmongers who never met an intervention they didn't like. We must help Ohioans. Ukrainians should call on their much closer neighbors in Europe to assist them because America has already done too much. 

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Attachment to Ohio

Not long after the turn of the Twentieth Century, my great grandmother, who came into the United States as a Jewish child who was fleeing Imperial Russia with her parents and siblings, settled in Akron, where her father established a business as a barrel maker. She did not consider Russia as her home ever as the threat of death from pogroms was all that blighted country offered. She considered the United States her refuge, and Americans as her people. She said we "should kiss the ground" for the freedom this nation affords us. Even though I am a Tennessean by birth and have spent most of my life here, I have special feelings for the Buckeye State that welcomed and embraced the stranger with a liberty and prosperity they could have enjoyed nowhere else. G-d bless America and the heartland of the US- OHIO!

Friday, February 24, 2023

Poisoned in Ohio

There may not be "four dead in Ohio" (as the old song said after the Kent State massacre) yet from the train derailment, but how many folks living near the disaster site will ultimately end up with some cancer or other disease that they would not otherwise have due to the exposure to the derailment-released toxins? Would you take a free house now in East Palestine, because I know many would be afraid to expose themselves and certainly not their children to the chemicals released there? 

Thursday, February 23, 2023

If Putin Goes

It is undeniable that little Vlad has experienced a decline in his health. Some believe that if Putin is incapacitated or dies, a chance to restore peace will emerge. Possibly, but it is just as likely that Vlad's successor will be just as aggressive as he has been. The Russian people are largely against what has happened in Ukraine, but when has the opinion of Russians ever mattered to their dictators? 

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Ohio Over Ukraine

If I was a leader in the government of the United States, I would prioritize the well-being of Americans over foreigners every time. This would not even be a close call. Nobody in America voted for Zelenskyy to lead our country, and only maniacs want US forces fighting Russians. Very few citizens here do not think East Palestine should receive Federal dollars to help recover. 

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

The Ukraine Stunt

Increasingly pathetic old Joe gave little Zelenskyy a big hug. It probably cost the United States an additional several million dollars for this photo op. Putin may have some response to show who really holds the power, like killing many thousands more Ukrainians or deciding to use a tactical nuke to break a strategic stalemate. Biden is never going to commit American forces to actively intervene and anything short of that will not defeat the massive Russian war machine. 

Monday, February 20, 2023

Only Fooling Us

The Ukrainians obviously knew Biden was coming. We are told the Russians were given a heads-up. It is the American people who were not informed, so it would appear that clueless old Joe was doing something courageous and dramatic. The Biden regime plays Americans for suckers at every opportunity. 

The Real Surprise

It is not shocking that Joe Biden visited the Ukraine to show his solidarity. It would be amazing if Biden ever shows up in East Palestine, Ohio to show his support for Middle America. Old Joe does not give a jot for the folks in flyover country in the United States. 

Sunday, February 19, 2023

The Sunday Funnies

Our wonder (but hopefully not worry) today is whether the balloon overhead is from Red China or the Red Planet or perhaps the Red Rock Weather Watchers. Dread not though, our fighter plane wing and ack ack batteries are primed and ready to shoot them all down. Just beware of falling missile debris and spent antiaircraft munitions falling on your heads. The tinfoil hats will not stop that, so you best walk around in your finest helmet. 

Saturday, February 18, 2023

Buttigieg Craps Out

Have you ever noticed that you hear virtually nothing about Cabinet secretaries who are doing good work? It is only when a screw-up holds a position that he receives copious press. Pete Buttigieg has gained more notoriety than any Cabinet member since James Watt, but it is not the type of publicity he would want. He is being groomed as a possible President, but heaven forbid that would come to pass, because old Pete would finish us off. 

Friday, February 17, 2023

Joe No Dice

Nobody watching and listening to corrupt old Joe thinks he is all still there. Biden is not capable of addressing the relatively friendly press questions he receives and certainly not the rare inquiries by reporters about possibly being compromised and therefore has to be carefully stage managed by his handlers. Is he able to read his prepared remarks? Mostly, but with some difficulty and a few gaffes. It is essential for anyone at any significant level of leadership to be able to think on their feet. Joe clearly has lost this indispensable ability.

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Mind Not Body

Whatever is announced about Biden's physical health is meaningless. Joe could have the body of a fifty year old athlete, but if his mind is going (gone), it will do him and our nation absolutely no good. Corrupt old Joe was never the brightest or the best, but if he is now in the grips of senescence, senility, dementia, or Alzheimer's, Biden can no longer serve as America's leader. We are not talking about a Walmart greeter here, but the man putatively with his hand on the nuclear button. 

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Top Down Incapacity

Pete Buttigieg is not the problem, even with the supply chain issues and trains derailing. Alejandro Mayorkas is not the culprit in the essentially open Southern order. Their addlepated boss is. To have the Republicans in charge of the United States House of Representatives talk up impeachments of Joe's subordinates, which incidentally will die in the DemocRAT-controlled US Senate, is a sideshow and waste of time and resources. The fish in Washington has rotted from the head, not from the tail. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Stonewalling and Obfuscation

The Biden regime lies. It withholds information Congress is seeking. Old Joe's team manipulates figures to the benefit of DemocRATS and revises them later, if they are called on it. This cabal is gas lighting the American people, but what else would you expect from an administration that used what should have been the neutral hand of government itself, garbage investigations and impeachments, Fifth Column anti-Trump bureaucrats, intelligence agencies, Big Tech, and their handmaiden media to censor their opponents and the truth to cheat their way into power?   

Monday, February 13, 2023

Something Bizarre Afoot

There is speculation that the "craft" Americans shot down over Alaska, that which the Canadians requested we take down over their territory, and lastly, the one over Lake Huron might have been from an extraterrestrial origin. Even the Red Chinese are now claiming some sort of "unidentified flying object" just flew in China around the Yalu River. Is all humanity about to be made worker ants to some all-powerful alien master? 

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Perhaps Actually Hypocrites

For about a year after athletes started joining the BLM protests with their kneeling antics, I stopped watching sports, the viewing of which had been a lifelong passion. I started again after hearing one of my very few idols Rush Limbaugh talking about watching sporting events even after he had expressed disgust (which I obviously shared) at the demonstrations. I figured if Limbaugh with all his (righteous) bloviating could go back to being a spectator, so could I. I also find it ironic that one of Rush's putative replacements, who I rarely listen too because they are such a downgrade, Clay Travis, made his bones with sports commentary. It is very hard for me to look at games with the most divisive and polarizing actions by participants, often including broadcasters and their entire networks, when I realize they are trying to tear us apart. Why will the so-called "Black National Anthem" be incorporated into today's Super Bowl pregame. We are one nation, one planet, and one race (the HUMAN one). All these deliberate efforts to turn folks against each other being foisted upon us by national leaders, corporate leaders, self-anointed "thought" and "opinion" leaders, and even millionaire sports figures serves only their interests, not ours. 

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Siege of Balloons

The United States might be under attack! No, not by Russian missiles or Cuban paratroopers, but by of all things . . . BALLOONS. If this trend continues, a new branch of the military might need to be formed, masters of combat with really sharp pins, to deal with this emerging threat. 

Friday, February 10, 2023

Took the Bait?

Those positioned to know, including Utah US Senator Mike Lee (R), said denials have come from the highest levels that America participated in the Nord Stream attack. The destruction of the pipeline was NOT conducted by us. Lee appeared on the Glenn Beck radio show this morning authoritatively declaring "we didn't do it" and Seymour Hersh is incorrect in his inflammatory report. There was speculation earlier on the program by Mike Pompeo that perhaps Russia blew up the pipeline themselves to raise the price of oil. Of course, Pompeo and Lee could have been deceived too. It may eventually emerge definitively who did the deed, but no matter the culprit, it is not worth starting World War III over. 

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Lining Us Up

Could the Nord Stream story have been pushed to Seymour Hersh by agents working in the interest of Red China? This is of course only speculation, but would Beijing not gain from having America and Russia at each other's throat? 

About Any Speech

Intentions may be terrific. The words used to express them might be tremendous. No matter what is said or who is saying it, what ultimately matters is actions. Whatever information Biden delivered, his style of delivery, how eloquent he was (not at all), is of absolutely no consequence. It is not Biden's statements that are devastating America. It is his policies (or those being instituted in his name). His declarations on matters of race and policing do not calm but inflame and divide, which is horrible. Old Joe campaigned as a unifier but what he says does the opposite. Biden is not as sharp as he once was or even as many of his same age are, but he is still able to read a script others have authored for him with him editing it a bit and occasionally veering away from the text and toning in extemporaneously as his staff cringes. Biden is not especially smart nor polished, but he is not real and relatable either ("Lunch Bucket Joe" being a myth), but the worst of all worlds in his willingness to lie and lack of real concern for the citizens of the country he (nominally) leads. 

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

War on Carbon

The climate change battle is being waged against humanity. It is an assault on logic. There is a syllogism at work and quite a bit of sky is falling in the initial premise. If it is a given that five hundred thousand people per year are killed around the world by floods, and it is claimed that in some way carbon emissions are exacerbating flooding, then it would be supposed that folks cutting their carbon dioxide producing activities would curb those deluges. It is actually NOT so, because the vast majority of those deaths are from water carried into low lying areas by typhoons (and to a lesser extent, hurricanes). Someone turning on their SUV in Saint Paul has absolutely no bearing on a family drowning in Bangladesh six weeks later. It would be nice to have the President in Washington wave a magic wand and make weather events go away, but it is only a child's fantasy or the rumination of a warped adult. Nothing man is able to do is going to abolish weather. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Some Likely Conclusions

Foreign powers, including adversaries of the United States, seem to have material in their control that compromises the Biden family, up to and including Joe. He has neither the capacity nor the desire to protect Americans, and part of this dereliction may well be that those we need the most protection from have Joe by the short hairs. 

Monday, February 6, 2023

Withheld from Trump

The Biden regime claims Chinese balloons were overhead during Trump's time in office. The leaders of his (our) defense establishment did not tell President Trump about these incursions because they deemed the Donald to be "too aggressive" and were afraid of where he (the elected leader) might lead the nation in response to Beijing's provocation. If this is the authentic fact set, that those charged with providing the President with the most thorough and comprehensive information so that he could protect us, kept it from him and of course, the unwary public, then we have traitors in our midst. 

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Watching Them Spin

Apologists for the ruling cabal went on Fox News with the script that Red China having their spying exposed was a mortification for the Chinese. These mouthpieces are serious. They are trying to spin the greatest humiliation of the United States since the flight from Afghanistan as a shaming of Beijing, This assertion rings so hollow that only folks dumb enough to believe Biden won election fair and square could lend it any credibility. 

Saturday, February 4, 2023

The Feckless Failures

America's ruling cabal refuses to defend our nation. The country's Southern border is essentially open with government agents acting as a "migrant taxi service", taking illegal aliens where they wish to go in the United States rather than deporting them, and now, that same Federal government has opened our skies to the mortal enemy of the United States (Red China with the spy balloon). These election riggers, who fancy themselves our masters, despise normal Americans and will do absolutely nothing to protect us, as only their own perks and power matter to them (including Kevin McCarthy). Pray for America, that we may rid ourselves of those who prey upon us! 

Friday, February 3, 2023

The Job Number

I am not certain that the new employment numbers are not being manipulated but am sure that no private sector job growth should be attributed to any actions of the Biden regime. Logic would dictate that businesses emerging from COVID lockdowns would need to hire, no matter who is President or what the actions of the Federal government are. The only action that is important is that regulators in most places are relaxing their boot on the throat of companies that they stomped on using the pandemic as their excuse. 

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Red Chinese Balloon

The CCP's spy craft breach of our sovereignty is a provocation that Beijing knows America will not answer, a mortification of our country, and an invitation to more extensive attacks on the United States. The Biden regime will do nothing to end this ongoing shaming of our once great nation, and our enemies will inevitably push us even more. 

Everything Is Relative

Is Putin really the second coming of Hitler? Nope, he is not trying to extinguish whole races or religions from the face of the earth. Is little Vlad another Stalin? Not to this point, but perhaps in the making, as I have no doubt Putin's territorial ambitions do not end at the Ukraine. Vlad is undeniably a terrible person and a threat to peace and stability, but so far he is not the devil on earth, but he is not finished yet either. 

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

A Real Sicko

A DemocRAT Nebraska State Senator Megan Hunt just authored a bill banning the attendance of children at church-related events, which she was in response to sane folks not wanting kids exposed to drag shows. If folks in Nebraska have any sense, she will never be reelected after this or serve in other elected office, but the way things are going in America, she will probably end up Governor there.