Saturday, September 30, 2023

Their "Green" Strategy

Those leaders pushing the environmental agenda are not doing it to save the planet or help the people but to feather their own nests. They are forcing an end to clean-burning natural gas water heaters that actually deliver hot showers when you want them. It is not because these household essentials have not been working, are inefficient, or have harmed earth. They are insisting on the replacements because they or their cronies are making the so-called "clean" new technology, that is no cleaner and often is made entirely with or with components from Red China, the country damaging the planet the most, the one that is the enemy of America, and the one that uses slave (prisoner labor) to make virtually everything. Yes, the scheme is a "green" one- green as in billions of US dollars- to supplant a real market-driven economy with a phony one that will benefit those forcing it on a public that does not want it like modern day emperors, who steal your choices to grab your wealth. 

Friday, September 29, 2023

Engine of Prosperity

For America, the internal combustion engine is the literal driver of our everyday lives and prosperity. The United States is not tiny Belgium or relatively small Britain. We are a massive nation that takes up huge parts of a large continent. Alaska alone is over twice as large as France (and electric vehicle batteries do not hold charges in cold weather like our forty-ninth state experiences most of the year). Your Tesla is fine for a run to the grocery two miles away and adequate for the two hour daily commute between your home and work then back at the end of your labors, but completely unsuited to drive from Maine to San Diego, unless you have an extra month to spare for all your two hour at a time recharging breaks, as opposed to the five minutes it takes to fuel up at the gas station. Not to mention, that there are many thousands of US gasoline pumps, everywhere from convenience stores to massive wholesale clubs, but so far, only a few thousand readily accessible charging stations, and even those are often inaccessible to electric vehicle owners because someone arrived there first and needs two hours on the plug to ensure they make it to the next charging station. Also, in many places, that electricity is anything but "green energy" and the battery in your electric car has slave labor all over it in the process of harvesting rare earth minerals to make it and Uyghur prisoner labor used to assemble it. Your "clean energy" turns out to be pretty dirty after all. Finally, the elite want your freedom of movement restricted, so that they don't have to share the road with you and can take their gas guzzling SUVs and limousines wherever they want without worrying about being stuck in traffic behind common folk like me. 

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Not Leaving Crimea

I can envision no circumstances where Russia leaves or is expelled from Crimea. If Zelenskyy insists this expulsion is the objective of the Ukraine, it will never be realized. The West must not tie itself to this pie in the sky goal.  

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Perhaps Offering Terms

It has been reported that Russia may be offering the Ukraine a way out of the slaughter, and that the offer is NOT unconditional surrender. This, if true, could mean the bloodbath is nearing an end, except that Zelenskyy still has maximalist notions that his depleted forces can fully evict Russians from what he considers Ukrainian territory. He can't, anymore than Putin could subdue all resistance within the Ukraine short of killing everyone and everything there with nuclear weapons. You don't make peace with friends (because you don't have to), but sometimes you must compromise with enemies simply to survive. 

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Depends on Definition

The forces of the Ukraine still could win, if we consider victory not permitting Putin total conquest. The problem is that after the unnecessary and ill-considered offensive that Ukrainian forces undertook under Western pressure, they have lost half of their professional soldiers with their most elite units (with the exception of Zelenskyy's personal security detail) the hardest hit. It will now be a close run thing to see if Kyiv has sufficient forces left to retain the territory it is now in control of because fresh, minimally-trained conscripts are no substitute for experienced combat veterans. 

Monday, September 25, 2023

Not in Cards

I believe the goal of the leadership of the Ukraine at the onset of the Russian aggression was simply not to be conquered entirely. This Ukrainian objective was obtainable and worthy. Then pressure from the West that was tiring of donating so much money came for the outnumbered and outgunned forces of Kyiv to go on the offensive. When Zelenskyy had secured relatively defensible lines and could declare a stalemate with Russia a "win", the United States and other so-called allies insisted Ukraine attack. Victory over Putin had previously been considered maintaining territory and not allowing the entire nation to fall to Russian forces, which Ukrainian heroism had accomplished, but to move forward assaulting superior forces in prepared positions that were and are ultimately backed by the largest nuclear arsenal on earth was foolhardy and self-defeating. Ukraine had squandered so many men in the process that now they may not have enough forces left to thwart a Russian counteroffensive. The Ukrainians should not have bent to Western coercion to launch what turned out to be suicide attacks. They of course wanted all of what they perceived as Ukrainian territory liberated but never had the military capacity to beat stronger forces back, and by succumbing to America and anti-Russian backers aligned with Biden, they have made an outright loss by the Ukraine much more likely. 

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Not Another Dollar

Ukraine is awash with foreign aid and a little of it is actually reaching the troops trying to hold off the Russians. Until audits are completed to ferret out the corruption (which is massive), I would say America should not send Zelenskyy another cent. 

Saturday, September 23, 2023

Maybe the Solution

Perhaps, the way forward for America would be to replace the Republican Party with a MAGA one composed of genuine America First patriots. Populism is the better alternative when the other path is Communism.  There are several dozen Representatives who are genuinely conservative and stick to the Founding Principles that made us great. There might be as many as twenty Senators willing to tow the same line. If we can't primary the weak-kneed and unprincipled from our midst, start over with this base of courageous politicians who will put America right in short order with Trump at the helm. 

Friday, September 22, 2023

Not Defunding Anything

The Republican-controlled US House of Representatives will ultimately continue to fund the Federal prosecutors persecuting Donald Trump. These same Republicans will not force a more secure Southern border through the budget process. They will probably make some token reductions in the rate of growth in some unimportant programs that Biden will pretend to be annoyed about. but Joe will sign the Continuing Resolution that emerges, that will make Americans less safe, less free, and grow the deficit while continuing to stimulate inflation. With Republicans like Kevin McCarthy, who needs DemocRATS? 

Thursday, September 21, 2023

The Marxists Embrace

Two socialists misleading their own people just glad-handed to show off their phony commitment to "Workers' Rights".  One of these leaders had already been jailed in the past and both deserve to be in the future. Lula is turning Brazil into a giant version of Cuba, and Biden has abandoned the Southern border of the US to a wage-lowering horde. They care about the folks just the way Mao did in Red China. 

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

All Candidates Flawed

If you are seeking perfect person to represent you, that ideal candidate will never appear. Most office seekers have enormous egos. Many lead flawed personal lives. Does Trump sometimes exaggerate? Sure, and Biden tells outlandish falsehoods. They both have feet of clay, but that type of individual is who usually runs. Good luck finding your flawless leader. Jesus will never be on the ballot for America's President.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Billionaires Need Subsidies?

Elon Musk has done unbelievably well for himself. Many of his early successes were enhanced by the US government subsidizing several of his efforts, including his electric cars. Musk is brilliant and did not really require the help of working people who have never been able to afford a Tesla to bring them to the market. The same unnecessary welfare to the wealthy is provided to billionaire team owners to keep teams in a particular town or give them an incentive to move to another city, thereby imposing an expense on those who will never be able to afford to attend a game to pay for the facility in which the games are played and maybe even the moving expenses of the team as it changes host cities. This burden imposed on the poor to fund the rich is a moral obscenity. 

Monday, September 18, 2023

First Pro Game

I had a friend invite me to a professional football game yesterday. I had never attended before, not because I do not like football, but because I believed the folks in my hometown of Nashville were exploited by the team ownership and our own mayor and council when the team moved here from Texas by way of Memphis and Nashvillians found themselves paying for the Titan stadium right out of our water bills. More recently, I tuned out pro sports more generally because I hated their promotion of the BLM movement and the way almost every athlete had been taking a knee during our National Anthem. I noticed several of the Chargers players kneeling in the end zone close to me before the Anthem, but honestly do not know what their motivation was or if it had anything to do with the George Floyd event. I did not notice any unpatriotic antics during Kristin Chenoweth's stirring rendition of The Star-Spangled Banner. I enjoyed the contest, the camaraderie, the festivities around the ballpark, and say with joy and relief, the home team won! 

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Thoughts on Strike

Does anyone outside of the Hollywood writer community care that they are on strike? On the other hand, most of us find ourselves in motorized vehicles when we try to get someplace. The autoworkers' action is significant and consequential to just about every American.  Biden has a funny way of showing he is for autoworkers by sending their jobs overseas where electric cars few want or will find practical to meet their needs will be produced by other countries workers using rare earth minerals mined by slaves. 

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Texas Impeachment Fiasco

Someone not named "Donald Trump" or "Joe Biden" for that matter just faced impeachment. That was Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton. Some saw the effort at removal as purely political, and Paxton survived it. Maybe this impeachment thing is becoming trendy, like sexually transitioning confused children. Thank goodness the Texas effort failed, or we might witness a string of impeachments in many states for no good reason. 

Friday, September 15, 2023

The Predictable Result

My hometown of Nashville as the state capital hosts huge numbers of government employees who rarely if ever vote Republican. Music City also boasts numerous universities and almost everyone associated with these institutions disdains the GOP. Nashville just had a Republican mayoral candidate who openly abhors Trump and called herself a "Liz Cheney Republican". Is it any wonder the the Republicans got their clocks cleaned in local elections, going one for forty-one, with the most progressive Democrat ever taking our mayor's race and Leftists winning 39 of our 40 Council seats? 

Thursday, September 14, 2023

The Pointless Debate

Donald Trump has an insurmountable lead in Republican polling. Why would he sit with the lesser candidates and draw eyes to a televised event that without Trump, few would watch? He would be a giant lowering himself to dwarfs. 

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

The Looming Impeachment

If Biden admitted taking bribes on video, the DemocRATS in the US Senate would still not convict Joe. I am not saying that the Republicans who control the House of Representatives should not expose the crimes allegedly committed by the Biden family, just that the process will never lead to Biden's removal from office. Impeachment will not be pointless but will not be successful in the sense the lawbreaker in the White House will remain in office at least through the end of this term and might even win reelection (by hook and mostly crook) and enter his second term as the figurehead of the regime. 

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

An Absolute Wrong

If you pay ransom, does that not encourage future abductions? If you give money to the world's largest sponsor of terror, will that not inevitably lead to more terrorism? If you exchange five spies for five innocent dual citizens being held hostage, will the hostage takers not simply grab more innocents so that they have something to exchange to be paid-off again? The United States should not have succumb to Iranian blackmail, because by doing so, it assures the Mad Mullahs of Iran will fund more chaos, grab more Americans, and be better positioned to start World War III. 

Monday, September 11, 2023

Need Charlton Heston

The citizens of New Mexico need the actor who became the spokesman for the National Rifle Association to rise from the grave or someone with similar charisma to crystallize the threat to liberty that the Governor of that state just initiated. She must not be allowed to suspend the God-given rights of the people for thirty days or even one. Maybe Heston if he was still here would intone, "keep your hands off our guns, you dirty Governor". 

Sunday, September 10, 2023

An Absolute Right?

The only liberty you have is that which you can defend. If minions of the Governor of New Mexico come to take your heretofore legally-owned weapon, what do you intend to do about it? She may not have a monopoly of force, but Grisham has more firepower at her disposal than any individual in her state. Are you going to go ask the Federal government to preserve your right? Biden wants to take your guns too. 

Saturday, September 9, 2023

Forgive and Forget

I am going to start buying Bud Light by the keg. I will tune out Tucker Carlson for all that truth telling, and go back to watching all the pablum on Fox News, so I never face real world concerns. I will purchase season tickets to all the professional sports that popped a squat on Old Glory. It is time to move on and empty my head of jejune notions like liberty and justice (you know the real kind, not the perverse "social" variety).

Friday, September 8, 2023

Bud Light Commercial

Two of my uncles and several cousins played college football. I always enjoyed taking in a game. I was excited that the pro football season was kicking off last night. I tuned in NBC, which I almost never do, and was able to watch with some enjoyment right up until the ad came on for the beer that is killing Anheuser-Busch. At that point I could not take it and had to tune out. 

Thursday, September 7, 2023

The Down Low

Barack Hussein Obama may or may not have been on the "down low". An alleged former girlfriend claims Obama wanted to make love to men, and now somewhat shady Larry Sinclair said he did in fact engage in sex with Obama in 1999. I do not particularly care about Obama's peccadillos, but know Barack brought the country down when in office and may well still be doing so today, which is low down. 

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

For the Jews

The State of Israel has far more friends among American Christians than there are Jews in the entire world. I once read sixty million American followers of Jesus have donated to organizations that support the Jewish State. There are only fifteen million Jews on earth. America's Christians are the best friends the Jewish people have. 

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Against the Jews

The social media site Gab is infested with Jew-haters. It is as if Goebbels had survived and was running an online message board. Wretched Holocaust deniers and those blaming the Jewish people for all that is wrong with the world populate this Twitter/X competitor, and now some of the same anti-Jewish lies spread by Gab are circulating on Elon Musk's media buy. The horrible fact is that Musk has run with some of the distortion, thereby encouraging the poison message of those who want to finish the genocide Hitler started. 

Monday, September 4, 2023

And They Prospered

The Clintons entered public service, and without so much as running a food truck, they prospered. The Obamas rose to serve us, and without so much as operating a convenience store, they prospered. The Bidens came into public office, and without private sector success even managing a coffee shop, they prospered. Trump gave up billions in profit as a developer to serve us, and WE PROSPERED. 

Sunday, September 3, 2023

On Lessons Learned

If you find yourself in a jewelry store in Mexico and the name is displayed in English as "Real" or "Honest", do not buy anything because nothing they are selling is what they represent it is. I speak from experience on this one. The staff may well try to ply you with alcohol. Do not accept. They are not offering you any favors. In fact, do not drink anything they try to give you unless it is in a sealed bottle from a reputable manufacturer, and you break the seal yourself. Do not accept the representations of any tour company that brought you to the premises because they are paid to bring you there and are given a kickback on anything you are conned into purchasing. If you are roped into buying an item (which I strongly discourage), do not use a debit card or cash. I was told when I made my mistake that they would not accept either credit card I brought from the States, but they accepted my debit card on the vastly overpriced fugazi they tricked me into buying after the tour company took us to a tequila distillery where I was generously supplied about eight shots as samples (and they probably are paid off to by both the guide and the jeweler you are driven to AFTER consuming all that free alcohol, which lowers your inhibitions and makes you more susceptible to transacting business with scoundrels). Then, I was welcomed to the jewelry shop with a large glass of tequila and given another by the gracious clerks as I pondered the purchase they were cajoling me to make. If you are tricked into buying, you will find at least if you used a credit card rather than a debit, you may later be able to dispute the charge and have a chance to be reimbursed, while with a debit card purchase, you are just out of luck (as you would be with cash).  It is futile (and even dangerous) to report fraud by a Mexican merchant against you as an American visitor because you are a gringo and whoever you report it to has likely taken a cut from the corrupt stores that are preying on tourists. If you seek help from the US embassy or consulate, you will likely hear there is nothing they can (will) do, perhaps followed by "you will know better next time". If you do travel to our Southern neighbor, I suggest caveat emptor. 

Saturday, September 2, 2023

Anti and Un

The national leadership of the DemocRAT party wants to tear down the United States from the Founding. That is why statues have been removed and military bases renamed. Some would contend that is why crime is exploding and cities were allowed to burn after George Floyd. That is why prosecutors have coddled criminals and efforts have been made to defund the police. That is why the DOJ, FBI, and IRS are acting as weaponized partisans. That is why the Constitutional rights to keep and bear arms and of free speech have been butchered. That is why we have a sieve for a border that rewards illegal aliens for invading America. 

Friday, September 1, 2023

The Family Business

Joe Biden has an occupation, that being politician. Clearly though, the way the Biden clan produced revenue was through GRAFT. Do you see foreign countries going out of their way to give money to American drug addicts other than Hunter Biden? I mean have you ever noticed a Red Chinese operative doling out cash to the fellow stumbling out of the crack house off of Skid Row? Did the Ukrainians ever throw a bundle of Benjamins at the dude who has to urinate in a cup for his parole officer in Dover because folks in Kyiv have always wanted to give a hand up to random drug-addled Americans? No, the Biden family was paid because they were performing services for entities abroad that do not care in the slightest about the welfare of America's citizens (and neither do the ones accepting bribes from hostile actors abroad here in the United States).