Saturday, September 30, 2023

Their "Green" Strategy

Those leaders pushing the environmental agenda are not doing it to save the planet or help the people but to feather their own nests. They are forcing an end to clean-burning natural gas water heaters that actually deliver hot showers when you want them. It is not because these household essentials have not been working, are inefficient, or have harmed earth. They are insisting on the replacements because they or their cronies are making the so-called "clean" new technology, that is no cleaner and often is made entirely with or with components from Red China, the country damaging the planet the most, the one that is the enemy of America, and the one that uses slave (prisoner labor) to make virtually everything. Yes, the scheme is a "green" one- green as in billions of US dollars- to supplant a real market-driven economy with a phony one that will benefit those forcing it on a public that does not want it like modern day emperors, who steal your choices to grab your wealth. 

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