Wednesday, February 8, 2023

War on Carbon

The climate change battle is being waged against humanity. It is an assault on logic. There is a syllogism at work and quite a bit of sky is falling in the initial premise. If it is a given that five hundred thousand people per year are killed around the world by floods, and it is claimed that in some way carbon emissions are exacerbating flooding, then it would be supposed that folks cutting their carbon dioxide producing activities would curb those deluges. It is actually NOT so, because the vast majority of those deaths are from water carried into low lying areas by typhoons (and to a lesser extent, hurricanes). Someone turning on their SUV in Saint Paul has absolutely no bearing on a family drowning in Bangladesh six weeks later. It would be nice to have the President in Washington wave a magic wand and make weather events go away, but it is only a child's fantasy or the rumination of a warped adult. Nothing man is able to do is going to abolish weather. 

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