Friday, December 9, 2022

Doctrine of Preemption

The mad mullahs that enslave the Iranian people may soon find out what Israel's enemies did with the Six Day War, that Jews will no longer wait until we are being slaughtered to respond with force. The stakes are simply too high to subject Tel Aviv and one million Israelis to a nuclear first strike launched by the ayatollahs. The Islamic Republic may only be days away from an atomic breakout with the means to deliver the world's most deadly weapons, but the Jewish State will not sit back to receive the blow. There are no saner minds or moderate mullahs to prevail in Tehran, but Israel is not a throng of women to be shot down in the street for removing their veils but a nation with destructive capabilities few countries possess. It would be absolutely appropriate to save the world's lone Jewish State by declawing the globe's leading sponsor of terror.    `

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