Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Must . . . Restrain . . . Israel

The Biden regime is determined to appease Iran at all costs. America is doing nothing to enhance stability or to protect the traditional allies of the United States in the Middle East. Those negotiating on behalf of the United States are in fact assuring the Islamic Republic that the Jewish State will not take (be permitted to launch and blocked by the US) any preemptive action against the mad mullahs once Tehran signs the new nuclear treaty. Of course, Lapid is not party to this deal and will not be signing anything, but Israel has heretofore been bound to American policy in almost every instance. Why would Washington restrain Saudi Arabia, the Gulf States, and Israel from dealing with what truly is an existential threat while giving in to the world's leading sponsor of terror that operates on a "Death to the Great Satan" (America) ethos and of course have promised the obliteration of the "Little Satan" (Israel) as well?

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