Monday, November 14, 2022

Walls Not Bridges

It is hilarious that those who live in gated enclaves with private armed guards tell those who do not have the means to live beside them that nothing is wrong at our Southern border or in urban areas beset by huge numbers of homeless and insist that serfs like us need to give up our guns, the only means we have to protect our families, because we somehow threaten the non-existent peace in America. They wall themselves in while inviting the world entire to sneak into the United States. While some illegal aliens are relatively harmless, many are criminals and lunatics freed from jails and asylums in places like Venezuela and Nicaragua under the condition that they leave there and come here. Many others are told by the criminals that help them sneak across to deliver narcotics as a condition for their help and indeed their very survival as in "bring in this package and hand it to who we have told you or you and your family members are dead". The dunces with their"Coexist" bumper stickers and the limousine liberals will be the targets of the criminal aliens entering now and that is fine, but we sensible folk who demand sovereignty will be their prey too. We need a wall at our Southern border to keep us safe in our houses, and around our communities to keep us safe from the predations visited on us by the homeless. 

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