Thursday, November 24, 2022

Schumer's Bold Solution

After the Biden cabal and its minions in Congress have made conditions so bad in the United States that responsible folks realize they can't afford to have children they lack the means to support, DemocRATS are explaining the necessity of having to bring in foreigners as being necessary because the natives are not reproducing. Americans are having to pick between food or heat because they can no longer afford both. New York Senator Chuck Schumer has admitted the "replacement strategy" in public remarks, even if he  has not acknowledged the reason that Americans are not being fruitful is that when you drive up the price of everything, people realize they have no way to pay for large families, but if you give sneak-ins carte blanche with tax dollars confiscated from Americans, they and their anchor babies can live as large as they please. After all, they don't have to pay for it. 

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