Sunday, November 13, 2022

The "Homeless Community"

The ruling party wants to make the homeless a protected class, just like the trannies. In my hometown, our DemocRAT politicians talk about the Nashville "homeless community". I know I am part of this city because we pay more in property tax every year than my father paid to rent a mansion when he came here in the late 1930s. How can the homeless have a "community"? Is that not anywhere they take their stolen shopping cart with the big corrugated box or the tent they sleep in when they are not in a shelter, rehab, or jail? Of course, you have those with "mobile flops"- a vehicle that runs that they stuff towels in the windows to obscure the view when they shoot up inside or snort what they thought was cocaine but turns out to be deadly Fentanyl. Then some other member of the vagrant "community" dumps the body somewhere and has a new "mobile home" to repeat the process. These folks are not part of our community, because that would suggest they contribute something to it, but parasites who use social services that we pay for, are all too often aggressive panhandlers, violent if you refuse them when they beg for a handout, and often responsible for a great deal of Nashville's crime, when they break into homes and shops to steal to feed their habit, engage in strong arm robbery if you do not pony up when they confront you, or armed robbery when they get their hands on a weapon. The vagrants are not part of our community but prey on it. There is no difference between a beggar in Nashville and one in New York City, not neighbors but parasites who can make themselves homeless anywhere, not through bad luck, but self-destructive choices. 

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