Thursday, September 22, 2022

Must Be Deliberate

If someone was aiming to destroy the prosperity of America and the wealth of Americans, they would do precisely what the Biden regime and the Federal Reserve are doing. The problem is not near full employment, which is a manipulated number anyway as the manner in which it is calculated was changed in 2010 during the Obama term, but overprinting of fiat currency. Inflation is not caused by people working, but by too much cash chasing too few goods. New government programs and tremendous boosts in spending on existing ones (like the supercharged Internal Revenue Service) pours gasoline on the inflation fires. Cutting off a nation's access to its own mineral wealth is cutting the throats of a country's consumers. The Biden cabal has done all this and more, and now welcoming the rest of the globe and inviting them to come for welfare benefits may well finish the United States off. 

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