Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Our Fractured Union

We may well go from being a nation locked down over COVID to one shut down by strikes. You see Joe Biden and the cabal around him kiss the ring of organized labor to the detriment of just about every American who is not a union bigwig. The teacher unions kept schools shut down long after it became clear that in-person instruction posed no risk to student survival and little risk to educators and staff. Coronavirus did not keep doors shut and then masks on young learners; the power of union leaders did at great and lasting cost to the children they claim to care so much about, but their true concern is remaining a cash cow to largely DemocRAT politicians with the influence that delivers them. Now our rail and port workers are being told by their union bosses to drive a stake through the heart of our already reeling nation. If they now have a strike, they will be kicking the rest of Americans while we are down, and they seem to really dig that. Where is Reagan when we most need him to shove these troublemakers back in their box? 

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