Sunday, July 17, 2022

Abundant but Broke

Zimbabwe and Venezuela both have massive natural resources, yet because of mismanagement by and corruption of government, the citizens of these countries suffer and even starve. The same mentality that brought down oil-rich Caracas and destroyed the plenty of diamonds in the former Rhodesia is being imposed on America by a cabal that despises the Founding Ethos of our nation. The people of those countries beset with venal leaders have agonized while their dictators feasted. The United States has never experienced this until now, but those around the figurehead Biden never have to worry about their next tank of gas or if their refrigerator is full while everyday Americans who are working or want to work can not afford the fuel it takes to drive to their jobs or the unemployment office. America can't survive as a Venezuela writ large and if we as a nation perish, liberty around the world dies with us.

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