Friday, July 15, 2022

The Nero Regime

If you are a normal working American (or one seeking gainful employment), the Biden cabal hates your guts. They maintain what is efffectively an open Southern border to keep wages for the natives depressed while bragging about the record number of guest workers they are bringing into the country. They are admitting a stream of unvetted foreigners and releasing felons from our jails and prisons (or not even prosecuting the undeniably guilty) who should remain incarcerated all over our nation, while planning to take away our heretofore legally owned firearms and prosecuting us for trying to defend ourselves. The only citizens Biden speaks up for are confused children who want to sexually mutilate themselves, many times over their own parents' objections, and women who want to slaughter their own babies right up to the moment of birth and perhaps a bit after that. The figurehead of this coup is a corrupt dunderhead whose mental faculties have obviously already failed him. If you don't want to see America burn, vote Republican and make sure the votes are accurately counted!

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