Sunday, June 19, 2011

Tea With Taliban

There is nothing nicer and more reassuring than sitting down to exchange wartime pleasantries with the misogynistic barbarians who gave sanctuary to al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden as the September 11, 2001 treachery was plotted and then sheltered the world's arch-terrorist and his murderous minions after the catastrophe was perpetrated. Not to mention the Dark Age aspects of the Taliban that include but in no way are limited to destroying the sacred patrimony of faiths other than Sunni Wahhab Islam, that involve Sharia-endorsed administration of "justice" involving the severing of hands and feet and stoning, and was highlighted at its woman-hating best by blowing a woman's brains out in a soccer stadium filled with the faithful proudly videoed for all the world to see. I do not really understand what common ground may be found in negotiation with the atavistic Taliban.

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