Thursday, June 30, 2011

An Honest Broker?

If members of the viewing public still expect the dinosaur media to be an objective arbiter of fact, they are going to be disappointed. The main stream media (MSM) have become nothing more than baldfaced partisans and advocates for the Left. NBC, ABC, and See B S are attack dogs against any emerging Republican contenders for the Presidency while actively cover up Obama's faults. The reason FOX has a growing audience while other networks viewership shrinks is because the propaganda on the other networks has become so overt, you need not be all that discerning to see it. The rooting for the Left is in your face, so blatant that the MSM has lost credibility. Patriotic Americans recognize the smoke screen that these flacks are providing for the administration and the radicals that now comprise the national Democratic Party, and not only are they killing off their own ratings, they can not lie enough to redeem Obama in the eyes of most voters. Have no doubt though, the media dinosaurs will continue to try to keep BO in power.

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