Saturday, June 11, 2011

Bail Out America

As was mentioned in yesterday's Despot post, the United States is going to send assistance to Greece, but with over sixty trillion dollars in unfunded obligations, who is going to rescue America? The United States owes more now than America's economy is able to produce as a whole in a year. The rich can not be taxed just a bit more to make up the difference, complete confiscation of all the assets of America's millionaires and billionaires still could not overcome the massive Federal debt. There is no foreign benefactor who can save America now as collectively the world economy can not throw in for sixty one and one half trillion dollars. Politicians like Texas Republican Representative Ron Paul have long called for the US Federal Reserve to be audited. This will likely never happen as there would be a revolution in the streets if the American people were generally informed of just how bad the economic situation truly is. At this point, in the direction Barack Hussein Obama has us headed, I am not at all certain that America can recover from the fiscal abyss the Democrats have thrown us down.

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