Thursday, June 9, 2011

Just Cut Spending

The political class in general but the Democrat Party in particular has a rapacious appetite for your money. Spending has outpaced revenue growth since the administration of George W. Bush but really metastasized like a wildfire cancer only after Democrats gained control of the US House of Representatives in the 2006 elections. Now the United States finds herself in a "raising the debt limit" crisis and the only solutions the Democrat Party can muster all involve "raising revenue" (read as tax increases). The Democrats' claim that revenue increase now can solve the abyss of debt make about as much sense as a drowning man asking for a glass of water. The exponential growth of the dole dweller state can only be stopped by real substantive cuts to spending because the desire of politicians to take your money is even more powerful than the quest of an alcoholic for his next drink- it can never be sated.

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