Monday, June 13, 2011

More Muslim Mayhem

Two events illustrate the danger posed by Islamist radicals and as usual, in both instances, the victims were innocent Muslims. In Pakistan, thirty-four were murdered by a suicide bomber, a horribly all too regular occurrence in the failing state. Alarmingly, the second event- an attack against King Abdullah II- could signal that in his well-intentioned meddling in the Middle East, Barack Hussein Obama has now destabilized another American ally, the Kingdom of Jordan, and potentially unleashed the hell of a civil war there between the Palestinian majority, who comprise more than seventy percent of Jordan's population, and the Hashemite minority who hold power and rule over the Palestinians mostly benevolently. It is safe to assume those who assaulted King Abdullah were religious hardliners, Palestinians, or both. With all the chaos already ongoing from Syria to Egypt, from Yemen to Bahrain, what the world could ill-afford now, is to have another bedrock of peace and stability, the Hashemite regime of Jordan, overturned.

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