Sunday, June 12, 2011

In the Running

The GOP contestants to replace the President all have the advantage of not being Barack Hussein Obama, a not so closeted Marxist, but the so-called dinosaur media anointed front-runner Mitt Romney is only differentiated from Obama policy-wise by a thin thread. The "leading Republican contender" was overtly liberal in his successful campaign for the governorship of Massachusetts, never embraced the Second Amendment warmly and can not be counted on to protect gun rights. Romney did not vigorously defend marriage but permitted the creeping intrusion of civil union and has not fought the perversion of the institution by homosexual activists. Romney has not even consistently opposed abortion on demand and can certainly not be called "staunchly pro-life". Worst of all from the freedom perspective, Mitt Romney oversaw the first government-mandated health care plan- the prototype for Obama Care- when he was serving as Massachusetts' governor. I pray a true conservative achieves the GOP Presidential nomination as I am tired of having to hold my nose and pull the lever for Olympia Snowe-type RINOs.

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