Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Civilizing Impulse

There exists today a licentious society, vulgar and obsessed with instant gratification. Our interaction is coarsened. Constraint is sorely lacking. The youth and those in the public spotlight are not demonstrating even a modicum of self-control. We have not been freed by Friedrich Nietzche and his "Man and Superman" or liberated by Aleister Crowley's evil "do as thou wilt" philosophy. We are not better for grabbing enough rope to hang ourselves with our pregnancy termination on demand, abortion pill, human fetus-grinding culture. The state may impose but never bless the perversion that is homosexual "marriage". Americans used to be a God-fearing people. We were churched. We are increasingly unchurched, and instead of fighting for decency, in many instances where the church should be advancing to defend Biblical morality, the church is instead retreating. The fight for America must be waged from the breakfast table to the church pew as those with the Lord in their hearts shout "enough!"

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