Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Into the Sea

The Gaza flotilla is set to embark as an overt provocation aimed at Israel. Even before the inception of the Jewish state in current incarnation in 1948, Arab leaders were determined to push the Jews into the sea and crowing about it. These leaders and not Israel were largely responsible for the exit of Muslim refugees who departed to clear the field at the behest of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini and other Muslim potentates so that the Jews could be massacred- the call was literally made to push the Jews into the sea and this was not rhetoric but a call to action. A slightly larger number of Jews were dispossessed from Arab states than Arabs departing Israel but these Jewish victims of ethnic cleansing were rapidly resettled as citizens of the Jewish state unlike those Arabs who fled Israel becoming so-called "Palestinian refugees" who have been and still are kept as stateless pawns by their Arab masters to use as an excuse for the Arab leaders own many failures and as a club to use against the Jews. The ultimate aim of Muslims surrounding Israel has never changed. It has always been and remains the destruction of the Jewish state. The Gaza flotilla is a part of this plan. It is not being launched to ease humanitarian conditions in Gaza. There is no humanitarian crisis in Gaza. Israel has permitted thousands of tons of relief supplies into Gaza, and since the fall of Mubarak, the border crossing at the Philadelphi Route has been opened to allow into Gaza more supplies from Egypt. The ships heading to Israel are not needed to bring food or medical supplies as they are ample already. The only reason they are sailing is to attack Israel's international legitimacy, and although some of the participants on the boats may not be aware of this, they are serving as the "useful idiot" dupes of those who want to wipe Jews from the earth.

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