Saturday, June 4, 2011

America's Thriving Business

The business that delivered prosperity to the United States (you know in the era "before Obama" or "BO") was business. Now that we have "transcended" the profit motive, private enterprise, and commerce, the only business that is doing really well is the "business" of government in all its various permutations including of course, cronies, consultants, and contractors. For the rest of us, unless we are members of some protected caste, like those Democrat-favored union members, we have never left the grip of recession. In fact, for everyday Americans who do not belong to these privileged groups, we could rightly contend that our economic prospects under Obamaism are as bad as at any time in our lives (unless we are old enough to remember FDR and the Great Depression). And under the Democrats in Congress, Obama, Geithner, Bernanke prescription, no improvement is possible. All the class-envy Congressional Democrats propose is raising revenue by means of soaking the rich who if not taxed to death still have the prospect of creating jobs if Obama will just remove some of the uncertainty, but that will never happen as long as classic redistributionists cling to power. Any real sustained recovery will emerge after these socialists are replaced in office.

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