Monday, June 27, 2011

Act of Contrition

Chris Wallace insulted Michele Bachmann and her supporters, American patriots, conservative Americans, and the typical FOX viewer by asking her if she was a "flake". Would a genuine "flake" ever admit or even recognize that characterization? The question was purely gratuitous. If Chris Wallace was remorseful over the ad hominem jibe, why did he not simply call Bachmann or have his producers call her media liaison to arrange a private conversation where he could apologize and ask her if he could share that with the public by means of the Internet? Instead, Wallace issued his so-called public apology directly to the web. This was not directed to Representative Bachmann (Republican, Minnesota) but a pitiful attempt to redeem his own image with the right of center FOX viewing public. Michele Bachmann is reported to have refused to accept the Wallace apology. I do not blame her- I would not either- until the sad excuse for a Sunday host called me himself or said he was sorry face to face.

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