Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Whip Hand

President Barack Hussein Obama has neither the inclination nor the intention of backing off his Leninist agenda despite yesterday's electoral rebuke. I believe a lame duck session of the Congress will now push forward what can never pass in the incoming US House of Representatives. What a rational politician would see a a slamming gate, a thieving radical will see as a cracked window- a final opportunity to push such wildly unpopular measures as "Cap and Trade" through before the GOP can muster the power to stop it. And away from the domestic agenda, the US will now focus her wrath not on jihad or the threat of Iranian nuclear extortion but clearly on Israel as the primary cause of all the world's discomfiture. Watch now for the Obama regime to turn on the besieged and beleaguered Jewish state no longer regarded as an ally worthy of saving but as the cause of all the problems of the Middle East. The magnitude of the mistake of electing Obama will be paid for in tragedy, with travesty, and inevitably, not with peace in the Holy Land, but spilled blood. Sadly, Obama intends get tough with Israel as his policy objective abroad and punish the Jewish state for his domestic failures to burnish his international prestige believing that appeasement of Islamism and rewarding terror will demonstrate that Obama has achieved something.

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