Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Netanyahu Say "No"

Either Israel is wholly legitimate as ordained by God or does not belong on the map. The Balfour Declaration is a crowning legal touch as are deeds to property purchased by Jews since before the 1948 creation of the Jewish State along with proofs of Jewish purchase of pieces of land since then, but make no mistake- the word of the Lord is the ultimate authority. Israel can not dance to the tune Obama is playing and claim to be an independent nation. Benyamin Netanyahu must assert ancient and historical Jewish rights and Biblical prerogatives or they will be lost in the short term of one failed American Presidency. President Barack Hussein Obama wishes to make his mark in the Middle East over the vanquished corpse of the Jewish State. Obama's unGodly behavior here is not enlightened, it is simply evil. If Israel accepts even a modest three month freeze on Jewish rights, she is becoming an American vassal state and a wholly owned entity of Team Obama, a cadre that does not have the best interests or even the survival of the Jewish State at heart. 

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