Monday, May 15, 2023

Why Governor Lee?

Why would a politician who campaigned when running for office that he would champion Second Amendment rights betray that promise and call an ultra-rare legislative special session to attack the freedom to defend one's self and the ultimate hedge against global tyranny- the firearms held in private hands by citizens of the United States? Why would someone who is a gun owner and hunter attack the rights of the heretofore law-abiding to protect their families? Why is Tennessee burdened with Republicans like "I will never raise your taxes" Don Sundquist who ran an anti-tax campaign and then championed a thankfully failed state income tax for my home state and two-faced Bill Lee who pledged to protect gun rights but in the event of his ascension to office is actually coming for our guns? These politicians are NOT RINOS (Republicans in name only) but the true backstabbing face of the party of the weak spine where Trump is the outsider and the insiders hate We the People as much as the Biden cabal does. 

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