Monday, May 21, 2012

A Wartime President

We have heard Barack Hussein Obama crow about killing Osama bin Laden and Obama flacks disparage Mitt Romney by falsely claiming that the former Massachusetts governor would not have taken the world's arch-Jihadist out under similar circumstances, but when has Obama spoken of a strategy to gain victory or even the desire to defeat and turn back Islamic extremism. Indeed, Obama has embraced some of the most fanatical actors in the so-called "Arab Spring" as they have overturned or eliminated (by murder) the old order. Obama permits the spread of radicalism and even tacitly encourages Jihad against America's Middle East partners of long-standing. Let us hope in the coming Presidential campaign, Mitt Romney differentiates himself from Obama by indicating the need to triumph over aggressive, expansionist Islam for the national security of the United States and the stability and freedom of the whole world.

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