Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Facebook Debacle

Many investors thought the Facebook initial public offering (IPO) would be the "sure thing". After all, virtually everyone is on Facebook and such an ubiquitous brand should in many minds go straight up, but what is the money-making model in the mix at Facebook? Even with millions of subscribers, how is Facebook's bread proverbially buttered? In the event, instead of the IPO carrying the market up as many hoped it would, instead of saving financially strapped California with the creation of dozens of new billionaires in the state where the company has its corporate offices, the Facebook IPO turns out to have been a grand disappointment. My late beloved Father who invested all his life in the stock market was known to say, "The only lead pipe cinch in picking stocks is there is no sure thing" and obviously Dad's thinking goes for Facebook in spades.

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