Monday, October 17, 2011

Just a Possibility

After mulling over the horror that took place in our neighborhood Saturday night, suspicion arose about the placement of traffic signals that have caused increased congestion and more road hazard in the couple blocks around my home. During rush hours since the red lights were placed, it has become more difficult rather than less to exit our own driveways. Even an officer investigating the fatal wreck conceded that the stop light seemed to be unnecessary and has actually made navigating the area worse. In any event, I find it odd that those in the neighborhood were not surveyed or consulted before the traffic signals were erected. If there was a public hearing prior to the installation, it was not publicized in any meaningful way in which
neighbors were able to participate. My thought is that some Federal stimulus money had been allocated for some "make-work" jobs and that is how my neighborhood ended up with a traffic signal array no one who lives nearby wanted that has ultimately made road congestion worse, and perhaps, in some small way, even had a part in Saturday's deadly crash.

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