Saturday, October 15, 2011

Iran's Rogue Agent

If Iran has in fact attempted to orchestrate assassination in America, one must ask "who" and "why". As to the who, is it possible that a party or powerful person within Iran who wants to bring about the rise of the mahdi (the Islamic version of an end-time messiah) as soon as possible, seeks to ignite World War III? The responsible party might not be either among the mullahs or the civil administration or could be a high ranking member of either. Someone attempting to embarrass, imperil, or overthrow Mahmoud Ahmadinejad might have initiated the plot. Conversely, someone plotting to bring down Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei could have started scheming. In any event, more definitive information needs to be assessed though it appears to have been a real threat. If Iran has any interest at all in maintaining the peace, they must ferret out the culpable parties and in the interests of justice, extradite them to the United States, where they will surely be treated more leniently than if Saudi Arabia ever captures them.

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