Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Embracing Liberation Theology

Without Pope John Paul II, the Iron Curtain may never have fallen. John Paul II was one of the staunch anti-Communists of the era, just as crucial to overcoming Red tyranny as Ronald Reagan or Lech Walesa. Pope Benedict XVI (or those formulating the public persona for him) is quite the opposite, abandoning the Gospels for a redistributionist, social justice agenda and apparently embracing the neo-hippy mob that is befouling Wall Street. This Billy Hallowell piece from The Blaze is quite revealing:http://www.theblaze.com/stories/is-the-vatican-throwing-its-support-behind-occupy-wall-street/. The embedded video of Father Thomas Reese purporting to represent the Pontiff casts Pope Benedict with the hard Left. I wonder what the late, lamented Pope John Paul II would think of the Marxism being proclaimed in the name of his successor.

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