Sunday, October 2, 2011

Hidebound Democrat Ideology

The political party that for the moment controls the US Senate and Presidency, the Democrats, are adamant that no progress on healing the American economy will be permitted until the Republican agree to play the class envy game and make economic war on the rich. The Democrats in Congress are mostly ideologues and Barack Hussein Obama turns out to be nothing of a pragmatist or compromiser but a classic redistributionist above all else. Here, Obama differs from his last Democrat predecessor Bill Clinton in that Clinton placed his personal political viability above his socialist leanings while Obama does the opposite. The dinosaur press will present the GOP as obstructionists and will portray Republicans as the barrier to agreement, but those Americans observing the process will recognize that "tax the rich" as fiscal policy is no way to revive the economy or spark the kind of hiring and business expansion America will need to rebound from the sinking domestic economy. Only lower marginal tax rates, lower capital gains tax, and relaxing crushing government regulation will do that.

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