Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Biden Code

If no nation or people is ever permitted to "occupy" territory claimed by another nation or people as Vice President Joe Biden just contended in Kiev, then the US must start by evacuating all our nationals from Hawaii. Then, the US should withdraw Americans from Puerto Rico, Guam, and the parts of the Virgin Islands that America "occupies". Then, we better give Alaska back- to the Russians or the "First Peoples"- not sure which. Then US citizens who are not of aboriginal origin in the Lower Forty-eight ought to start packing. There are First Nations that colonists and immigrants displaced that under Biden's logic need to be given their land back and that would amount to just about everyplace America has ever planted the flag. How would Obama and Biden characterize "Manifest Destiny", the concept of conquest without which there would be no United States of America? I am in no way endorsing Russia's actions regarding the Ukraine, but they are not unusual in the course of human history which has always been marked by conflict and the resultant carnage that conflict brings. Let us hope that further bloodshed can be avoided and that Putin is done grabbing disputed land.

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