Thursday, July 31, 2014

Save the Gazans

The best way to protect the innocents in Gaza is to remove the genocidal Hamas terrorists in their midst. That way no more rockets or mortar rounds will fall short of Israel and kill innocent Gazans. That way, there no longer be terrorist "work accidents" where innocent Gazans will no longer be blown up as terrorists have mishaps while preparing their bombs or explosive suicide vests. That way PLO members will not be thrown to their deaths from tall buildings because they are not radical enough for Hamas. That way Christian Gazans will not be murdered or chased from Gaza. That way so-called collaborators who are actually decent Arabs trying to protect innocent life will not be publicly executed in barbaric ways by Hamas. Unfortunately, the IDF must kill some Arab women and children because Hamas murderers are using them as human shields as they try to kill Jews, but once the world is rid of Hamas, both Jews and Muslims will be safer.

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