Thursday, July 10, 2014

Hamas Defeating Israel

Somehow, Hamas using unwitting or willing human shields is winning the public relations war. In the conflict that Hamas initiated, Hamas is evidently demanding that Gazans ignore IDF instructions to leave buildings or vacate areas that the IDF is planning to pacify. Civilian casualties become inevitable when Hamas uses innocents to shield combatants. Hamas is not condemned by most of the world so far for deliberately exposing Arab civilians to risk while Hamas uses women and children in a most cynical and dangerous way by attacking Jewish civilians from highly populated area, hoping to draw a response bound to create carnage. Israel must protect her civilian populace and return fire, yet when they do, Israeli actions of self-defense are almost universally criticized. The essence of Jew-hatred is denying Jews the very right to live, and that is what people and countries are doing when they know full well that Hamas is the aggressor with a purposeful plan to kill as many Jews as possible and force an Israeli reaction that kills scores of Arab women and children. In the minds of those who gave us the Holocaust or sat silent and their progeny, it is remarkably easy to condone Hamas tactics and condemn Israel for trying to keep Jews alive.

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