Tuesday, July 29, 2014

America's Best Diplomacy

I do not know if the United States has the worst leadership we have ever had in terms of foreign relations, but if we do not, it is certainly a close run thing. Carter allowed the Shah of Iran to be deposed and replaced with Shia madmen who continue to threaten the world to this day. Johnson made sure America was ever more involved in Vietnam but tied the hands of the war fighters, blocking any avenue they had to win. Truman sat by and allowed Stalin to enslave half of Europe and develop the capacity to drop atomic bombs to menace and blackmail America and the West and permitted China to go Red. I believe the buffoon in Foggy Bottom and his unbelievably dangerous master in the White House have done more damage to freedom in the world than any previous foreign policy team. They dropped the ball with the "red line" with no consequence for the Assad regime in Syria and have not been able to recover yet. Kerry and Obama never will right the ship of State; they only have the capacity to make the situation far worse.

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