Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Fighting Without Honor

The brave warriors of Hamas break every law of war in their current campaign. First, their rocket and mortar barrage is intended to cause indiscriminate slaughter. They are simply lobbing bombs at populated areas where any IDF combatant killed or wounded would be purely incidental. Hamas bases mortar and missile-launching crews and hides their arsenal in and around schools, hospitals, and mosques in a deliberate effort to spark return fire from Israel which will damage or destroy those institutions. Hamas terrorists use ambulances to transport themselves and their weaponry. Hamas gunmen are now routinely deployed in IDF uniforms, and when they are captured in Israeli garb, they should be summarily executed. Israel has instructed Gazans exactly where the IDF is about to strike and warned them to leave. Hamas has ordered Palestinian civilians to remain in the line of fire after IDF warnings. In short, Israel does all it is humanly possible to do to protect non-combatants on both sides, while Hamas does all it can to create maximum carnage among civilians, even among Palestinian civilians in Gaza. Yet, few condemn Hamas and commend Israel on her effort to defeat terror. Too many, including the State Department and Secretary Kerry himself, and the UN and Ban Ki-moon castigate Israel as it is waging as careful a war as can be waged to eradicate the genocidal fanatics of Hamas.

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