Saturday, July 12, 2014

No Conflict Resolution

Goals of the Palestinians seem to exclude the survival of the Jewish State. Israel apparently has some bizarre desire to continue to exist and the temerity to want to do so as a pluralistic, democratic society. Those stubborn Jews simply refuse to walk into the sea or throw themselves from Masada. No, they will not willingly lay down their arms and die, or have their men slaughtered, women mass-raped, sold into prostitution, or their children stolen from them to be raised as Muslims. Those bad Israelis just refuse to make good dhimmi. Hamas, which represents the sentiment of the majority of the Palestinian street remains irrevocably committed to the immediate destruction of the Zionists (those being in reality any breathing Jew who will not submit) while the Palestinian Authority as represented by Abbas still wants to eliminate the Zionist Entity in stages. No matter how many arbiters try to intercede to end the violence, there is no resolution possible when one side simply wants to live and the opposing side is determined to liquidate them.

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