Friday, July 11, 2014

Family Unification Project

A report appears today linked by Drudge from Luis Carlos Lopez and published on the website of The El Paso Times that a Border Patrol official speaking "on background" informs us that "a plane carrying undocumented immigrants from Central America" had landed in El Paso. The criminal aliens were not summarily deported or the plane forced back carrying the border breakers to their country of origin, and in all likelihood, these invaders will stay. They will receive food, clothing, shelter, medical care, and education at the expense of citizens. They will be given access to all the welfare perks Obama has to offer. They will soon be given the right to vote which they will use to continue to elect those that will keep their gravy train rolling. Then, they will demand we accept their fourth cousin to claim the same benefits at our expense, and the Democrats that they have voted in will accommodate this desire and my America will have been transformed into an entity that in no way resembles what the Founding Fathers envisioned, and that I do not recognize.

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