Wednesday, November 20, 2013

No Silent Witness

With Syria in a self-destructive death spiral and with violence mounting in Libya, the world focuses their ire on Jews trying to build in the ancient capital of the Jewish people, Jerusalem. International leaders agree that the City of David does not belong to the inheritors of his legacy. At the same time as "settlement" rather than genocidal sentiment among the Palestinians is called the cause of the conflict, Iran grows ever closer to their goal of implementing a nuclear holocaust against the Jewish State. The United States consistently gave Israel security assurances, but it is becoming increasingly evident that Barack Hussein Obama favors rapprochement with Tehran more than he values the continuing existence of a Jewish State. Jews who supported Obama need to shout now that Israel is America's only friend in the Middle East and that the President they helped put in office must honor US commitments to keep Israel secure as a Jewish State with Jerusalem never divided again.

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