Thursday, November 21, 2013

Hurting the Multitude This stunning article reveals that when the other shoe drops and the implementation of Obama Care is forced on small businesses, fifty to one hundred million more Americans will lose their medical insurance coverage. The goal of the Affordable Care Act was supposed to be to insure the thirty to forty-five million Americans who did not have health insurance before Obama Care's passage. In the event, fifteen to thirty million Americans were not going to be covered even after the law, twenty-four million or more Americans who held private coverage before Obama Care were going to forfeit what are now being called "substandard plans" by Team Obama (in spite of the fact, Obama promised numerous times before Obama Care was passed, that if we liked our plans, we could "keep them"), and now, it is certain, if the law is maintained, that as much as a third of the nation's population will forfeit their plans that have been provided through their workplace. So, vastly more Americans will lose their coverage than ever were uninsured before Obama Care was forced down our throats.

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