Tuesday, November 26, 2013

America Is Redefined

Barack Hussein Obama has succeeded in transforming the United States of America. Obama has destroyed the value of our currency. Obama has throttled initiative with higher taxes and a massive regulatory regime, and he has created more dole dwellers than any previous US President. Obama crafted and maintains unemployment numbers that are a fiction, first to gain reelection, and then to burnish his reputation, but around one hundred million Americans who are of working age have never been able to find work or have exhausted unemployment benefits and no longer even seek gainful employment. A true unemployment measure would be much higher than what Team Obama claims. Obama is in the process of abdicating sovereignty with his open borders amnesty under the guise of "comprehensive immigration reform", and the Republican establishment is prepared to let him. Now as twenty-four million Americans are having their individual medical insurance plans cancelled because of Obama Care, eighty million more will lose the coverage they formerly received from their employers. The details of this looming medical insurance horror are detailed by Jim Angle here: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/11/26/evidence-shows-obama-administration-predicted-tens-millions-would-lose-plans/

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