Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Make the Case

Prior to his reelection, did anyone notice that Barack Hussein Obama maintained the George W. Bush tax rates because even he recognized that government should not tax more in the teeth of a recession? Some manipulated metrics (like improved jobs' numbers) point to a better economy now than then, but America's economy is still no doubt fragile. Taxing and subsequent redistribution by the Federal government is an inefficient way to allocate resources. If the Federal government was efficient, then the US Postal Service would be thriving and FedEx and UPS would have no reason to exist. Instead, the USPS is perpetually run at a deficit while private shippers thrive. Then there is the game-playing by Washington politicians who use baseline budgeting to pretend there are cuts. This means there are generally only cuts to the projected growth of programs and no real slashing of budgets. The other utterly corrupt concept sold by our DC political class is that the economy must be measured as a zero sum game, that because a wealthy person has more, that is necessarily why you have less. The economy is in fact dynamic, meaning what the rich have has absolutely no bearing on the status of those who are less well off. These are all facts and really simple concepts that for some reason the GOP no longer tries to convey to the voting public.

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