Sunday, July 19, 2009

Guilty Your Horror

With the confluence of the looming passage of a hate crime bill that will stifle preaching Biblical or Koranic morality and the appointment to the Supreme Court of Sonia Sotomayor, we are about to enter an Orwellian nightmare of thought control by government. In this Aldous Huxley Brave New America, an Associate Justice of the highest court who repeatedly made wise Hispanic woman making better decisions than a wise white male, we have a judge who would not even grant a hearing to white and incidentally an Hispanic firefighter in the Ricci case but dismissed their claims summarily in favor of black firefighters. We face a jurist who has in her speech and in her rulings from the bench shown total disregard for equality in the eyes of the law. She will be confirmed and may even receive the backing of worthless Republican Senators more concerned about the possibility of alienating Hispanic voters than doing the right thing and trying to bar a domineering racist from the Court of last resort. The Democrats had no compunction about offending Hispanics when their Senators did not allow the more collegial, more qualified Republican court candidate, Miguel Estrada from even receiving a vote during the last Bush administration. Combine the imposition of activist jurists with the hate crime bill added to the defense appropriation package to grant homosexuals (gay, lesbian, and transgendered as they like to call themselves) special status and the US is opening the door to censorship of Old and New Testament and Koranic morality that casts sin as sin and sanctifies marriage of man and woman-not man to man, woman to woman, or for that matter, man to sheep, as the only consecrated norm. Well, if a reverend, imam, or rabbi instructs their charges in the "old time" religion and a homosexual is stricken with fear, that preacher may find himself in the dock. Some judge like "Soviet" Sotomayor would be happy to correct the thinking of such a spreader of hate and might assign him to the existing tool of diversity training to wash his mind of the principles of living that have advanced the family as the basic unit of society throughout the course of civilization to this point. Beware Communist style reeducation camps may be coming as the political correctness that dominates the college campus and prevails in the dinosaur media may well be drawing near nationwide with the force of law imposed by activist judges who already consider male gender and white skin as two strikes against you. In their eyes, I have already damned myself with my assertion of traditional morality in these pages.


Irv said...

"Hate Bill" Favoritism

If "hate bill"-obsessed Congress can't protect Christians from "gays" as much as it wants to protect "gays" from Christians, will Congress be surprised if it can't protect itself from most everyone? If "hate bills" are forced on captive Americans, they'll still find ways to sneakily continue to "plant" Biblical messages everywhere. By doing so they'll hasten God's judgment on their oppressors as revealed in Proverbs 19:1. (See related web items including "David Letterman's Hate, Etc.," "Separation of Raunch and State," "Michael the Narc-Angel," and "Bible Verses Obama Avoids.") Since Congress can't seem to legislate "morality," it's making up for it by legislating "immorality"!

Illuminate said...

Amen brother.